Wednesday, 1 September 2021

Don’t Forget To Breathe by Cathrina Constantine #Blitz


Dont Forget To Breathe
Cathrina Constantine
Publication date: September 1st 2021
Genres: Mystery, Young Adult

Leocadia arrives home from school to find her moms body. Unaware that the killer still lingers, she rushes to her mothers side, only to be grabbed from behind. And everything fades to black.

Leo has been battling personal demons after a year of retrograde amnesia. Shes been having vivid dreams of that day. And her dreams are getting worse—shes starting to remember. Two more bodies are discovered and they are oddly linked to her moms unsolved homicide.

Leo befriends her new neighbor. Hes eager to visit Star Hallows notorious haunted mansion. Its located on a deserted cul-de-sac where she once lived and where her mom was murdered. But its the Lucien Estate, the mansion next door to her old home, where they happen upon misty ghosts, ghosts that just might help to unravel the homicides.

Will Leos memories send her reeling into a relapse, or will she be able to overcome her demons to find her mothers killer – only to become the next victim?

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The black corners of my room softened into a silvery gray. I turned my head to check the alarm clock, 4:45. I begged the heavens, Please, let me sleep,” and smothered my head underneath my downy pillow.

A nanosecond after slamming my eyelids closed, I was immediately transported to a year ago…”

My walk down the hallway to my parentsbedroom became sluggish. Shed been complaining of not feeling well and had stayed home from work today. Was she sick and needed to rest and forgot about the boiling water? The door was shut. I knuckled the frame softly. Mom?”

My hand twisted the knob and inched it open. I gagged on the smell.

An awkward, half-naked body draped the mattress—porcelain skin sliced apart, and silky blonde hair fanned the floor. Dripping red blood—gobs of blood. Eyes filled with terror watched me. Dead eyes. My jaw moved. Mommm—but no sound. I shuffled a foot forward and doubled over, spewing lunch. That was when I noticed a bloody dagger next to her fingers. Forged in a peculiar camber design like something Id see in a museum.

Arms swallowed me from behind, Im not going to kill you. Not yet.” Then everything faded to black.

I woke with a start and gasped. My heart ached. Struggling upright I crisscrossed my arms over my chest and gripped my shoulders. Tears sprinkled my face—sorry for my loss, sorry for myself.

Author Bio:

Cathrina Constantine is an International Best Selling and Award Winning Author. Her books have won Reader's Favorite International Book Awards. New Apple Medalist Award. Literary Classics Gold and Silver Award. Literary Classics Seal of Approval. And recently 1st Place Top Shelf Award for YA/Mystery.

Cathrina loves to immerse herself in great books of every kind of genre, which helps her to write purely for entertainment, and hopefully to inspire readers. When not stationed at her computer you can find her in the woods taking long walks with her dog.

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