Friday 20 October 2017

Clanless (Nameless #2)

Clanless (Nameless #2) 

Book Review: ♥ ♥

Clanless the "middle child" second book in the trilogy. The Nameless series is a continuous story and you need to start with book one (Nameless).

Zo and Gryphon are back, but unfortunately only together for a short while. Clanless is the journey book. In this one, both characters have doubts that the other is alive. They have to navigate their way around the different clans to find peace in their decisions. Zo is trying to return to the wolf clan, while Gryphon is trying to make his betrayal to the Ram clan mean something. We meet some new chapters and get to know some old chapters better. There will be fighting and survival skills put to the test. Can Zo and Gryphon make it back to each other?

I'm loving this series there is so much bravery and interesting storylines.

4.5 stars out of 5. *ARC received in exchange for a fair review* Fearless, book 3 out 17th October 2017! 

Paperback £11.94, 300 pages
Published October 4th 2016 by Month9Books

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