Tuesday, 30 June 2020

A Crown of Smoke and Ash # ReleaseBlitz #Review

A Crown of Smoke & Ash
Sloane Murphy
The second in the series of The Shadow Walkers Saga
Reverse Harem 
Alphahole bad boys with tortured pasts 
Badass FMC 
Cover Design by Mibl Art
#SloaneMurphy #ACrownofSmokeandAsh #Release
#BareNakedWords #ParanormalRomance
After having my life turned upside down, I discovered past me had left more than one thing that needed fixing. 
Past me was awesome.
 Saved by an angel, protected by him and the three other men I love, I learn there's more to the mystery of my past lives than I ever could have realized. 
 With danger around every corner, wrongs from a long-forgotten past, and more betrayal than I ever thought possible. I try to realign a world gone awry. 
 Can we survive all that is to come?

A crown of smoke and ash is the second book in the Shadow walkers saga.

Remy is back and the heat is turning up. After the betrayal discovered in book one, Remy is ready to adapt to her new family. With love, lust and loyalty comes a world worth fighting for. This series has a lot of fantasy favourite elements mixed into one. We have angels, lycans, witches and demons. Remy has a great support group in this reverse harem romance saga. The piece are beginning to slide into place and we get some more memories as well as new developments. The ending sets up the next book and I look forward to reading more.

The chemistry between the characters is enough to give you a hot flush, Remy is beginning to find her warrior feet and we are settling into the world of shadow walkers.

Paranormal romance with a world to discover.

5 out of 5. I'm really enjoying this series.

ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Buy Book 1 Today!

A Crown of Blood and Bone

(The Shadow Walkers Saga #1)


Meet the Author
Sloane Murphy is the author of the international bestselling series, The Immortal Chronicles, as well as a range of other paranormal and contemporary romance. 
Sloane lives in Peterborough, England, with her husband & fur baby and over the years, she has developed an unhealthy appreciation for cheesy YA Films, cupcakes and bad pop music. She adores fairy tales, ballet and all things supernatural, drinks far too much coffee, and watches an ungodly amount of Netflix. 
When she's not busy writing, she can be found exploring the world with her husband and chocolate Labrador.
If you would like to send Sloane an email, you can reach her at sloane@authorsloanemurphy.com

Be My Queen by Chelsea McDonald is now LIVE!

★.•**•.★  NEW RELEASE ALERT  ★.•**•.★ 

Be My Queen by Chelsea McDonald is now LIVE!
Series: The Crown Duet, Book 2
Genre: Mafia Romance
Add to your Goodreads TBR ➩ http://bit.ly/BMQ-Goodreads

For years, I had a plan. I’d dissected every little detail, gone over everything that could’ve possibly gone wrong. One thing I didn’t anticipate, was her and the permanent wicked gleam in her eye.

Anastasia Exley was so much more than I expected. One thing I knew for certain was that she was all that I wanted. I didn’t care if she felt the same way. I knew I had to have her from the moment I laid eyes on her and I would’ve done whatever it took to have her.

And, it worked. She was mine. Or maybe, it was the other way around and I was hers. She had a hold over me, one that I hadn’t expected. Our bond was something that I never imagined could be real. The more time we spent together the closer we grew, the more unattainable my desire for her became.

I thought the hard part was over, I thought we were ready for our happily ever after. Obviously, I was wrong. After her disappearing act, I knew I wouldn’t stop until I found her, I would get her back - one way or another. When I did, someone would have some explaining to do.

I will not back down.
I will find her.
I will not lose my happily ever after.

Add to your Goodreads TBR ➩ http://bit.ly/BMQ-Goodreads

#NewRelease #BeMyQueen #TheCrownDuet #Book2 #EnemiestoLovers #DarkMafia #DarkRomance #MafiaRomance #Preorder #ComingSoon #MustRead #Kindle #kindleunlimited @authorcmcdonald

Final Hour Series Tour and Giveaway!

Until the End 
Final Hour Book 3 
by Juno Rushdan 
Genre: Romantic Thriller 

He's strong. Fierce. Relentless.
And he may be her only chance of surviving the night. 

Gray Box operative Castle Kinkade always gets the job done, no matter how tough the assignment. But when he agrees to protect white-hat hacker Kit Westcott, Castle's loyalty is tested like never before. Trapped in the closest of quarters, protective instincts flaring, he can feel the ice surrounding his heart melt...and he knows he'd do anything to keep Kit safe. 

Even defy the rules that shaped his life. 

Castle is the last person Kit should confide in, let alone be attracted to, but he's the only ally she has left. Under threat of imminent attack—and a chilling conspiracy that hits too close to home—Castle and Kit are forced to put their hearts and lives on the line...and stop at nothing to face the greatest danger the world has ever known. 

Castle’s blood pressure was so high he could hear the rush of it.
Kit was a liar. A habitual, no, pathological, no, no, compulsive liar! His gut churned with white-hot anger, but the sucker punch of betrayal was worse.
She was innocent of collusion with terrorists. That much he believed. But he could only buy stock in eighty percent of what came out of her mouth. And it wouldn’t be so bad if the remaining twenty percent wasn’t going to get them killed.
He sharpened his focus on the task at hand. They were going to get through this, alive, so he could strangle her later.
Castle held on to her waist as he guided her to swing one leg over the side, followed by the other. The breeze blew her dress up higher than appropriate and he caught an indecent glimpse of her ass. Sweeter than he’d imagined.
She stared up at him with those crazy-beautiful eyes, trying to suck him back in.
Damn it to hell, why did he enjoy touching her so much? Why had it taken every ounce of strength in him not to kiss her back earlier when she was shivering in his bed, pressed up against him, wearing nothing but his T-shirt?
Why did he still want to kiss her?
“Put your toes on the tiny lip,” he said, referring to the barely-there ledge, keeping his voice controlled, low.
“Tiny is an overstatement.” She struggled to get her footing stable, her thin-soled shoes slipping around with no treads, but he held onto her.
“I won’t let you fall, Kit.”
Her anxious gaze locked onto his and narrowed. “I know. You want the pleasure of killing me yourself.”
And why oh why did her sassy remarks not only torque him tighter and tighter but also turn him on brighter than a popped flare in the pitch-black night?
“You probably want to use your bare hands around my throat,” she said.
“So you’re a psychic liar. I was trying to pinpoint how to classify you, but I don’t think that one is listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders.”
“Whatev—” She swallowed the rest of the word, controlling her tongue before she pushed him from peeved to righteously pissed.
About time she advanced to Go and collected a clue.
“Those shoes are a problem,” he said. She’d be better off barefoot out here. He took another look at the six-inch thick wall separating her bedroom balcony from the main one and sized up the length of her arm span.
Holding on to one balcony and reaching over to grasp the other might prove tricky for her. Doing it at night in those slippery shoes was suicide.
He gestured for her to come back and helped lift her over the rail.
“Climb on.” He knelt. “I’ll piggyback you over.”
For once, she simply did as he told her. No smart-ass remark, no protests. No questions. Maybe she did trust him, at least in this.
Standing upright, he adjusted her weight on his back, getting it balanced. “Hold on tight.”
She wrapped her legs around his hips and clamped her arms around his neck in a choke hold.
“Not that tight,” he hissed, shooting a quick glance over his shoulder at the door. The curtain was in place, giving them precious minutes—perhaps only seconds—that might mean the difference between success and death.
He swung his leg over the side and shimmied across the ledge.
The curtain rustled. Their time just ran out.
He stepped up the pace, reaching across the wall to the other side as the drapes were drawn. Castle stared at a man wearing glasses. His gaze was hard and pitiless. He matched Kit’s description of Bravo.
Castle wouldn’t be able to draw his weapon until they were on the other side and he had a free hand. “Kit, reach into my holster and grab my gun?”
“Wh-what? I’ll fall.”
“You won’t.”
“Oh God. I’m going to be sick. I can’t.”
“You can. Trust me. They’re coming. Do it!”
She fumbled inside his jacket, her body plastered to his, legs in a death grip around his waist, and drew his Maxim 9.
The safety was already off.
“Aim at the other balcony,” he said, “finger on the trigger, squeeze, and shoot at anything that moves.”
A swish echoed in the wind as the balcony door opened.
Kit screamed, ducking her head, cheek pressed against his neck, and started shooting, wild and erratic.
For fuck’s sake. Were her eyes even open?
Silencers on both sides softened the pop of the shots. Bits of stone from the concrete wall sprayed in the air. Bullets cracked by his head, too close for comfort.
Castle hooked his leg on the rail of the living room balcony and rolled over, nearly knocking against the steel staircase that went up to the roof. He tucked Kit beneath him, using his body as a shield. “Please tell me your eyes were open when you fired?”
“You said nothing about my eyes.”
Wasn’t it implicit in the bit about aiming?
He snatched the gun from her, hopped to his feet, and aimed for the master bedroom balcony—with his eyes open.
No sign of Bravo or any from his band of merry hitmen.
Shit. “Change of plan.” Gripping her elbow, he hoisted her up. “They’re about to rush us, coming in through the living room doors. Can you swim?”
She gulped and looked over the balcony. “Oh, sweet Lord. You want us to jump?”
“What if we miss the pool?”
“Push off from the railing when you jump. You won’t miss. Take off your shoes first so you don’t slip.”
“Stop making everything sound so flipping easy. There’s four hundred feet between us and going splat.” She shoved the flats in her bag.
“It’s more like forty feet.” He helped her stand up on the top of the balustrade. “Grip the handrail of the staircase.” He gestured to the metal bar right beside her. “Steady yourself.”
“If we don’t die, we’ll break bones.”
A distinct possibility. “Who’s the crybaby now? If we don’t jump, we don’t make it.”
Once she was in place with stable footing, Castle trained the gun on the French doors, ready to lay waste to anyone who dared set foot on the balcony.
“This plan sucks!”
“Did I neglect to mention I have a degree in sucky planning?”

Nothing to Fear 
Final Hour Book 2 

The clock is ticking 

Fearsome Gray Box operative Gideon Stone is devoted to his work and his team. He's never given reason to doubt his loyalty...until he's tasked with investigating Willow Harper, a beguiling cryptologist suspected of selling deadly bio-agents on the black market. 

He knows she's innocent. He knows she's being framed. And he knows that without him, Willow will be dead before sunrise. 

Thrust into the crossfire of an insidious international conspiracy, Gideon will do anything to keep Willow safe...even if that means waging war against his own. With time running out, an unlikely bond pushes limits—and forges loyalties. Every move they make counts. And the real traitor is always watching... 

**On Sale for only $1.99 June 9th-22nd!! **  

Every Last Breath
Final Hour Book 1 

An Amazon Best Book of 2019 So Far! 

"Juno Rushdan is the real deal. Every Last Breath is an electric combination of heart-stopping thriller and swoon-worthy romance."—LEXI BLAKE, New York Times bestselling author 

48 hours, 2 covert operatives, 1 chance to get it right 

Maddox Kinkade is an expert at managing the impossible. Tasked with neutralizing a lethal bioweapon, she turns to the one person capable of helping her stop the threat of pandemic in time: the love of her life, back from the dead and mad as hell at her supposed betrayal. Recruiting Cole to save millions of lives may be harder than resisting the attraction still burning between them, but Maddox will do whatever it takes...even if it destroys her. 

When Maddox crashes back into Cole Matthews' life, he wants to fight back. He wants to hate her. But the crisis is too strong to ignore, and soon the two former lovers find themselves working side-by-side in a breakneck race to stop a world-class killer with a secret that could end everything. 

The clock is ticking. 

A race-against-time romantic thriller, perfect for fans of JD Robb and Mary Burton! 

**Get it FREE June 9th-22nd!!**  

Juno is a veteran Air Force Intelligence Officer who writes romantic thrillers with sizzle, pulse-pounding suspense, and plenty of action. Her stories are about strong heroes and gutsy heroines fighting for their lives as well as their happily-ever-after. Expect an intense emotional journey and a thrill ride to keep you turning the pages. 

A native New Yorker, she currently lives in the Washington, DC area with her patient husband, two vivacious kids, and a spoiled rescue dog. Juno loves hanging out with readers and anyone friendly over a great glass of wine. 

The Final Hour series features a covert, off-the-books unit sanctioned to operate beyond the black and white constraints of other intelligence agencies. They work in the shadows safeguarding national security. When a horrifying conspiracy hits too close to home, they're the last line of defense. They'll do anything to keep their country safe and sacrifice everything for the ones they love. 

$50 Amazon 

Follow the tour HERE for special content and a giveaway! 

𝐖𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐔𝐩 𝐈𝐧 𝐕𝐞𝐠𝐚𝐬 on 𝗦𝗔𝗟𝗘

#1 New York Times Bestselling Author Natasha Preston has placed 𝐖𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐔𝐩 𝐈𝐧 𝐕𝐞𝐠𝐚𝐬 on 𝗦𝗔𝗟𝗘 for a very limited time!
Waking Up In Vegas is a stand-alone romance in The One Series.

𝑴𝒆𝒆𝒕 𝑩𝒓𝒐𝒅𝒚 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑾𝒓𝒆𝒏 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒐𝒏𝒍𝒚 99𝒑𝒆𝒏𝒏𝒊𝒆𝒔❗

There are bad hangovers, then there’s waking up married to your brother’s idiot friend.

On the trip of a lifetime, a drunken Wren and intoxicated Brody stumble upon a wedding ceremony and decide to tag along for the ride. But being spectators isn’t quite wild enough when you’ve got tequila in your toes, and before either of them can stop what they’re about to do, “We now pronounce you husband and wife.”

Once sober and home, the incompatible newlyweds try everything within their power to end their pantomime marriage. Unfortunately for them, the promise and vows they made to spend their life together now aren’t as easy to break as they’d once hoped.

Especially not when Brody starts to have a change of heart.

𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙨𝙚𝙘𝙤𝙣𝙙 𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙣𝙙𝙖𝙡𝙤𝙣𝙚 𝙗𝙤𝙤𝙠 𝙞𝙣 𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙊𝙣𝙚 𝙎𝙚𝙧𝙞𝙚𝙨 𝙅𝙪𝙨𝙩 𝙇𝙞𝙠𝙚 𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙈𝙤𝙫𝙞𝙚𝙨 𝙧𝙚𝙡𝙚𝙖𝙨𝙚𝙨 𝙞𝙣 3 𝙙𝙖𝙮𝙨❗
Preorder the ebook on all platforms: 

#TheOneSeries #NatashaPreston #WakingUpInVegasIsOnSale #ebooksale #NatashaPrestonbooks #Standalones #Romance #preorder

Nightmasters #Blitz

Doubles Talk Book 1
General Fantasy
Date Published: June 30
Publisher: Acorn Publishing


Kelgan Defthand is used to being top dog at the Academy of Magic where he is Senior Apprentice Mage. Compared to his peers, he’s faster, more skillful, and well aware of it, but when he finds himself beset by fearful voices that come in the night, his confidence is shaken.
Adding to his worries, Kelgan is summoned to the headmaster, Sargal’s presence; it looks like he’s really in trouble. But to his bewilderment, he finds he’s being sent on a “mission” with two very hostile-seeming aristocratic twins, Neroma and Nevander Di Nerrill.
Upon embarking on this mission with the twins, Kelgan soon realizes the world outside the cloistered Academy is a bit different than he imagined. First of all, there seems to be women doing magic! Secondly, he’s not the only one hearing voices.
Following a strange compulsion, Kelgan and the Di Nerrills find themselves seeking out the source of the voices, hoping to put an end to it.
The fateful journey tests Kelgan’s underdeveloped skills to the limit, and could come at an unbearable cost to both to him and his companions. Once Kelgan accepts the challenge of Magehood, there’s no going back.


The work went swiftly. Two flame-throwers—in spite of the concerned voices, Ezrael insisted on being one of the carriers. “Cain’t do better, I jes’ stand and let ’er rip.”

And two drones. Cal looked far from satisfied, but Kelgan assured him they would work for recon, as well as something else. He refused to explain the something.

“Crows, you want to use crows?”

“They’re smart, and I’ve placed a homing spell on them.”

“What’s the plan?”

“Don’t have one.”

Cal groaned. “It’s going to be like the tavern owner. We just walk in and say, ‘We’re back to save the world.’”



Cal shook his head in wonder. “They even shook our hands.”

Kelgan repressed a giggle. “Just a touch of persuasion.”

“You spelled them.”

“As I said, just a touch.”

“I keep forgetting you’re not me.”

Kelgan eyed him quizzically. “That was an ‘interesting’ thing to say.”

Cal shifted his feet, looking uncomfortable. “Let’s get busy.”

Laden with their hastily assembled equipment, they rejoined the rest of the group, who paid them no attention. So busy with their toys, the two had completely missed the combined outward gaze of the others. Turning their heads, they followed the line of sight and drew in simultaneous breaths. The enemy, who had evidently watched all, was well ahead of them. The red-and-black army stood at the ready—seeming to number in the thousands. Knowing that could simply be illusion did not reassure them. At the forefront hovered the sorcerers, wearing robes that trailed off behind them into mist and gave them the appearance of black thunderclouds. Kelgan was sure that was no illusion.

“Uh,” he said stupidly.

Only Neroma responded, swinging her head in their direction just a bit. “They wait.”

The fur of her voice blanketed him for a moment, leaving him short of breath.

He shook his head to clear it, saying, “Well, let’s not disappoint them.”

Without another word, he directed a concentrated blast of energy to the first rows of the army. Those turned out to be real, at least, as they transmogrified into twinkling atoms, which then fell like raindrops onto the now-scorched earth.

A gasp arose from the facing soldiers. For a moment, they quailed visibly. The brief flash of triumph Kelgan allowed himself was cut short by the nearly instantaneous return blast from the younger sorcerer.

Even aided by Neroma and Nevander, Kelgan barely managed to divert the energy back onto the facing army, thereby taking out another two or three rows.

No time to be cocky, he thought, that was nearly fatal.

He fired off another blast. This time the opposition was ready—as one, the soldiers dropped to their knees, and the energy sailed over their heads to knock off a corner of the gloomy castle.

However, they failed to notice Cal, who was now in command of his deadly flamethrower. A low charge, directed just above the ground, caught the red-and-blackers by another unpleasant surprise. Closing his eyes to the charred corpses that now littered the ground, he paused only when he had to refuel.

Too easy, again, too easy, too easy, beat in Kelgan’s head like a drum solo. He glanced behind him. Ez was slumped over the now empty goat-cart, and Teri was staring in horror at the now empty uniform of her sister, Cenci.

 About the Author

Recently retired from a job as a university professor, and looking for a diversion in sunny Southern California, Loran Holt did what any Southern California does – took up writing, of course. Feeling that sword and sorcery fitted her personality admirably, she set her sights on that genre. Nightmasters is the result, and her first work of published fiction, but she is already the published author of two books on the Silent Film era, with a third on the way. Recently

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RABT Book Tours & PR

Fake Play #Blitz!

An Atlanta Edge Hockey Romance Novel
Sports Romance
Release Date: June 30, 2020

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Connor Ellison, one of Atlanta Edge’s best wingers and biggest prankster, is given an ultimatum by the coaches and the PR department. He must stay married until the end of the run for the Cup or be available for trade.
Lily Jones wants nothing to do with the insane demand. But he convinces her the best decision is to play along. If they remain married and pretend to be in love, he offers to save her family’s ice rink from bankruptcy. Anyway, it’s only until the end of the hockey season. Then they can go their separate ways.
Easy-peasy. No way will they go to the finals. No way will they truly fall in love.

About the Author

Carla Swafford loves romance novels, action/adventure movies, and men, and her books reflect that. And that’s not all, she’s crazy about hockey, and thankfully, no one has made her turn in her Southern Belle card. She’s married to her high school sweetheart and lives in Alabama.

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RABT Book Tours & PR

Monday, 29 June 2020

𝐖𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐔𝐩 𝐈𝐧 𝐕𝐞𝐠𝐚𝐬 on 𝗦𝗔𝗟𝗘

✰✯✰ 𝟟𝟡𝕡/𝟡𝟡𝕔 𝕊𝔸𝕃𝔼❕✰✯✰

#1 New York Times Bestselling Author Natasha Preston has placed 𝐖𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐔𝐩 𝐈𝐧 𝐕𝐞𝐠𝐚𝐬 on 𝗦𝗔𝗟𝗘 for a very limited time!
Waking Up In Vegas is a stand-alone romance in The One Series.

𝑴𝒆𝒆𝒕 𝑩𝒓𝒐𝒅𝒚 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑾𝒓𝒆𝒏 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒐𝒏𝒍𝒚 99𝒑𝒆𝒏𝒏𝒊𝒆𝒔❗

There are bad hangovers, then there’s waking up married to your brother’s idiot friend.

On the trip of a lifetime, a drunken Wren and intoxicated Brody stumble upon a wedding ceremony and decide to tag along for the ride. But being spectators isn’t quite wild enough when you’ve got tequila in your toes, and before either of them can stop what they’re about to do, “We now pronounce you husband and wife.”

Once sober and home, the incompatible newlyweds try everything within their power to end their pantomime marriage. Unfortunately for them, the promise and vows they made to spend their life together now aren’t as easy to break as they’d once hoped.

Especially not when Brody starts to have a change of heart.

𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙨𝙚𝙘𝙤𝙣𝙙 𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙣𝙙𝙖𝙡𝙤𝙣𝙚 𝙗𝙤𝙤𝙠 𝙞𝙣 𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙊𝙣𝙚 𝙎𝙚𝙧𝙞𝙚𝙨 𝙅𝙪𝙨𝙩 𝙇𝙞𝙠𝙚 𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙈𝙤𝙫𝙞𝙚𝙨 𝙧𝙚𝙡𝙚𝙖𝙨𝙚𝙨 𝙞𝙣 4 𝙙𝙖𝙮𝙨❗
Preorder the ebook on all platforms: 

#TheOneSeries #NatashaPreston #WakingUpInVegasIsOnSale #ebooksale #NatashaPrestonbooks #Standalones #Romance #preorder

Guarding My Six Tour and Giveaway!

Guarding My Six 
by K.J. Porter 
Genre: Paranormal Romance 

Wade Hamilton is an ex-Army Ranger and an accomplished tattoo artist. Now, thanks to a gift that was bestowed upon him by a grateful mother during a trip to Alaska several years ago, he is also a protector; a guardian. His gift, which he uses sparingly, allows him to infuse his art with special qualities. When a shy, young, woman and her three college roommates, walk into his studio he senses there’s something unique about Tori. After the initial interview, he comes to understand she has suffered a devastating loss and keeps her grief buried deep inside. While working on the special tattoo she’d designed herself, Wade adds a little magic to the ink that will boost her courage and, perhaps, bring a little joy and excitement to her life. And then, she and her friends walk out of his studio and out of his life.
Three months later, Wade receives a call from an old Army buddy, Matthew Miller, whose baby sister is critically injured in a hit and run. Wade wastes no time heading to Savannah, Georgia to lend his support. Never having met Matt’s family, other than a brother and their father, Wade has no idea that Victoria Miller is the same woman who has been haunting his dreams since she walked out of his studio.
As Tori fights for her life, Wade refuses to leave her side, believing it was his magic that had put her in front of the car that nearly killed her. To further complicate matters, he finds himself falling hard for Tori. Knowing that nothing good can come from developing a relationship with her, Wade is terrified that his secret will only put Tori in more danger. A secret he’s kept buried since he was thirteen; he believes his abusive, alcoholic, father beat Wade’s younger brother, Davey, so badly it caused the boy permanent brain damage. It was also the first time the “red-rage” took over Wade, leaving him with no memory of the event and put his father in the hospital.
When Tori refuses to give up on a chance for happiness with Wade, he can no longer push her away. He realizes he must confront his demons and put them to rest before they can take the next step in their relationship. But, when an unknown, and very powerful, enemy from his parents’ past catches up with him, Tori could very well become collateral damage. 

The next time he woke, Wade felt as though someone had gouged a hot poker into his side, twisting it around a few times before doing the same thing to his head. “Well, it’s about time you opened your eyes, young man,” a feminine voice said from beside him. “What happened?” His throat was like sand paper and his voice sounded like he’d been gargling with gravel. “I’m not sure exactly,” the woman answered. She stepped closer to the side of his bed. Her dark hair was pinned back into a tight bun and the purple scrub shirt bagged loosely across small breasts as she reached out to wrap a blood pressure cuff around his upper arm. “You were brought in three days ago with a knife wound that penetrated your left kidney. You almost bled out before they got you into surgery. You’re a lucky man; the doctor was able to save the kidney. You should be as good as new before long.”
“The girl. Is she okay?”
“What girl?” the nurse asked as she reached for the stethoscope that hung around her neck.
“I don’t know her name . . .” The woman stared down at him with polite concern and she shook her head. “You know what?” Wade said, closing his eyes against the harsh glare of the florescent light above his bed. “Never mind. What about Jake and Danny? Are they here?”

Kate Porter is an American writer based in South Georgia. She grew up on a small farm in central Indiana where she graduated from Owen Valley Community High School. Her first short story was published in the school newspaper when she was fifteen. Kate went on to study fiction writing at Greenville Technical College, appeared at numerous Comic Cons, book readings, author events and participated in author panels and has been featured as a guest author on a blog tour. In 2013 Kate was not only profiled in her hometown newspaper, Spencer Evening World, but she was also profiled in Woman’s Day magazine. 

In 2014 Kate was the recipient of the NEW APPLE BOOK AWARD for the Mystery category for her novel, BLACK HARVEST, which also received FIVE STARS from Reader’s Favorite. Kate’s writing credits range from poetry to short stories to full-length books and manuscripts, and screenwriting. When she isn’t writing, or percolating her newest story ideas, she and her best friends are cracking each other up with their silly puns and holding entire conversations using GIFs. 

$15 Amazon gift card 

Follow the tour HERE for special content and a giveaway!