Tuesday, 31 May 2022

WOLFE Reveal



The Biker Next Door Series, Book 1

Romantic Suspense / MC Romance

Release Date: July 15, 2022


Living next door to each other is torture. Wolfe wants Ella but he doesn’t have time for relationships. He had an MC to run. Anything permanent is off the table. Ella, a fun-loving extrovert, thinks she’s okay with a no commitments kind of relationship. But being with Wolfe only makes her want him more. They should never have given in to temptation. Can they find a compromise for happiness?

About the Author

 Tory Richards is an author who writes smut with a plot. She's an Amazon bestselling author in erotic romance and romantic suspense categories. Born in Maine, she's lived most of her life in Florida where she went to school, married, and raised her daughter. She's retired from Disney and spends her time with family and friends, traveling, and writing.


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Leadership Blitz



Reaching Out, Pulling Up, Holding On, to Stand Strong Together


Nonfiction / Leadership

Date Published: March 24, 2022

Publisher: Mindstir Media


What is a 'Shipmate'?

FORCM (SW) Thomas J. Snee, USN, (Ret)


This question has often been expressed and shared with me. The 'white hat', as we were so often called, 'halfcocked' on the back of our heads, defined us as persons, who were alwayssearching and looking out to sea for a new life. The right foot on the lines, not to jump or surrender, but a 'leg up' on life's challenges in thought and ideas by persons we call, SHIPMATES

You see, most of us 'signed on as young men', for the seas and a new adventure. We left our hometowns to create, make, and hopefully aim our 'shot line', into new friendships and ports of call. No, we did not forget our hometown friends, but rather, rediscovered a whole new world. Some may think, that when our 'brows' were pulled up, we departed, but to move on, from those anchored pasts. These valued bonds were left for other gangplanks in another life. We moved on to make new and bigger bow waves for smoother wakes, in life's high seas. We did not sign on to organizations or associations to be forgotten, with titles or positions, but as persons of dignity, value, and self-worth, or simply, as SHIPMATES.

So, when you meet that casual friend, remember, they too are persons on a sea detail away from home. They were searching for a bonding as SHIPMATES for a new life. Sometimes lonely, but always, just a bonding in friendship, from the many sea tales of the past, as a SHIPMATE. We are not just another name on the rolls, but real persons, who have feelings, emotions, and needs to reconnect those shot line crossings to each other's bows. We are, after all, and always will be, SHIPMATES, in LEADERSHIP!

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Deadly Deception Blitz




Date Published: 06-01-2022


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A blink of an eye. That’s all it took for her life to change forever. After two years, Marcie Faraday still doesn’t believe the crash that took her family was an accident. She is determined to find the answers, even if the truth puts her in danger.

Detectives Booker Dixson and Lashelle Valentine must deliver the news to Jonas Faraday’s widow which is the worst part of their job. Neither believes it should have been ruled an accident.

Booker and Lashelle uncover a connection between Marcie’s late husband and her father’s medical clinical trial. Coincidence or ploy? Booker Dixson does not believe in coincidence.

Deadly Deception is a thrilling journey to uncover the secrets that threaten to shatter the perfect picture of Marcie and her family.


About the Author

Mary lives in Magna, a little town west of Salt Lake City, Utah. Together with her husband, she has six grown children, six wonderful grandsons, and five beautiful granddaughters. She loves to spend time with family and friends--she includes good books as friends!

Mary and her husband love to travel, especially to the Caribbean for relaxing, and Italy for the wine. And most recently she discovered she was Irish and Scottish, of course, they had to visit Ireland and Scotland. Mary fell in love with both, but the green hills of Ireland felt like home.  With the experience from the exotic places she has visited, she is able to fill her books with colorful descriptions of cities, painting a colorful backdrop for her characters. One of her favorite US destinations is New York/Brooklyn, where her beloved Beckett's live. When she visits, she can wander their neighborhoods, favorite parks, and visit their favorite pub, Putnum's.

They are avid concert ‘Ho’s’! Yes, they pretty much want to do them all. They love outdoor amphitheaters the best and attend as many during the warmer months as possible.

Mary writes mostly romantic suspense, romance, women's fiction, and she has just begun to dabble in young adult mystery.  During her writing career she has been a conference coordinator, workshop presenter, and chapter president for the Utah Chapter of RWA. In 2007 she was presented with the Utah RWA service award in acknowledgment and appreciation for outstanding service. Mary has participated in numerous library panels on writing and co-presented a workshop on writing a series at the League of Utah Writers conference. She was awarded the 2021 N. N. Light Book Award winner for best book in two categories; Four Sisters for Women's fiction and Celtic Myst by M. L. Foxx for Fantasy.

Mary also writes as ML Foxx. This is her first jaunt into Fantasy and Sci-Fi, she loves it. It gives her freedom of choice.  In her ML persona she also loves to go to the movies and you got it… Watch the Avengers, Dead Pool, among others. Something her hubby doesn't really enjoy but humors her fantasy side. You’ll see more books soon…

Mary and her husband are also enthusiastic college football fans. They have season tickets to the UTES, University of Utah Football and they tailgate every game. They love tailgating so much, that they were married at a tailgating in 1999.


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Bequest by B.E. Baker blitz


The Bequest
B.E. Baker
(The Birch Creek Ranch, #1)
Publication date: November 30th 2021
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance, Women’s Fiction

Two widows, six kiddos, and a will that leaves them a massive cattle ranch, but only if they work it for a year.

Abigail and Amanda may have married brothers, but they have almost nothing else in common (and really, they never did get along very well). After their husbands both pass away, they have no reason to interact. Their connection drops to an awkward phone call on birthdays and an exchange of holiday cards.

Until an eccentric uncle of their husbands ’leaves a massive cattle ranch to the women’s minor children. . . if they work the ranch themselves. A ranch that’s located near a small town on the border of Wyoming that isn’t too keen on outsiders.

They’re both going to turn the bequest down, clearly. It’s not like either of them could properly raise their kids or find love again in a backwater province like Birch Creek. But when things at home change dramatically—for both moms—they decide to give it a try. . . just for the summer.

What could possibly go wrong in a mere three months? (Or more importantly… what might go right?)

Wall Street Journal and USA Today bestselling author Pamela Kelley said, “B. E. Baker takes you right to the heart of the small town that two widowed sisters-in-law land in very unexpectedly. Can they survive the year they need to spend there to keep it? I really enjoyed reading Bridget’s romantic women’s fiction debut.”

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“Mrs. Brooks? Mrs. Nathaniel Brooks?”

I haven’t been called Mrs. Nathaniel Brooks in more than a year, not since before Nate died. It catches me by surprise and leaves me almost unable to speak.


“Yes,” I manage to say. “That’s me.” I clear my throat.

“Good.” The man shuffles some papers. “My name is Karl Swift.” Something about his voice, perhaps the wobbly timbre, makes me think that Karl is quite old.

“What can I help you with, Mr. Swift?”

“Er, well, it might be more correct for me to tell you what I think I can help you with.”

He sounds like Bilbo Baggins at his birthday party.


“I’m actually a lawyer as well—I found your name on your law firm website from a simple search. I’m calling to notify you that last night, I formally read a will that had been posted in all the local papers and online.”

“A will for whom?” I still have no idea why he called, and I’m beginning to think he was improperly named–he’s definitely not ‘swift. ’Spit it out, Ol ’Man River!

“Jedediah Brooks passed away almost two weeks ago.”

Brooks. He’s related to Nate, then. The name finally registers. “Nate’s uncle?”

“Even so,” Mr. Swift says.

“I’m very sorry to hear that Uncle Jed passed,” I say, rotely. I didn’t meet Nate’s uncle more than a handful of times, and even then we barely exchanged a handful of words. He had a full head of white hair the first time we met, nearly twenty years ago at my wedding to Nate. He must have lived quite a long life.

“Thank you. His death was quite a shock, but at least it was quick. Jed always said he wanted it to be fast, not drawn out.”

My hand trembles where it’s holding the phone. Nate’s death wasn’t quick at all—and it was so fast I could barely think straight. “Is that why you called? To let me know that he’d passed?”

“Not precisely,” Mr. Swift says. “You see, as I understand it, both of Mr. Brooks ’nephews, Nathaniel and Paul, predeceased him.”

I murmur my assent. They were both so young. It still sounds so wrong to agree that they’re both dead, even now.

“In that case, there is quite a substantial bequest made to your children, Mrs. Brooks.”

“Excuse me?”

“Jed owned a three thousand, two hundred and eleven acre cattle ranch out here, on the northern side of Utah. It’s one of only six properties in the state that have stayed with the same family continuously, all the way back to the original land grant. In fact, portions of the property are actually in Wyoming, but it’s mostly in a place called Daggett County.”

“Are you saying that my children’s great-uncle left them a three-thousand acre ranch?”

“Yes, but it’s not quite that simple.”

I wish Mr. Swift would cut to the chase. For a lawyer, he certainly lacks in clarity. “What does the will say, then?”

“Specifically, it provides that the ranch and all its appurtenances, including the home, a guest house, two large barns, an outbuilding for storage, and some three hundred and fifty head of cattle should be left to your children and the children of Nathaniel’s brother, Paul, per stirpes.”

I wonder what something like that is worth. Maybe Ethan could get his Razr after all. “Well, that’s unexpected.”

“However.” Mr. Swift rustles more papers. “In order for the bequest to vest, the heirs or, in the case that they’re minors, their appointed guardians, must adequately and actively operate the Birch Creek Ranch for a period of one full year.”

“Operate it?” I ask. “Meaning, we can’t just sell it?”

“That’s correct. In order for your children to inherit under the terms of the will, you would need to move here and run the ranch for a year.”

Author Bio:

Bridget loves her husband (every day) and all five of her kids (most days).

She’s a lawyer, but does as little legal work as possible. She has three quarter horse geldings, a Holsteiner (jumping) horse, and she spends too much time riding and not enough time writing. (Or too much time writing and not enough time riding, depending on your perspective!)

She has more chickens than she’ll admit to having, two lions head rabbits, a cat, two dogs (one bouncy and one yappy). She makes cookies waaaaay too often and believes they should be their own food group. In a (possibly misguided) attempt at balancing the scales, she kickboxes daily.

So if you don’t like her books, her kids, her horses, her chickens, or her cookies, maybe don’t tell her in person.

B.E. Baker is the romance/women's fiction penname for Bridget E. Baker, who also writes fantasy, end of the world, and dystopian books that add a little magic to the world.

Please sign up for Bridget's fantasy or romance newsletters on her website at www.BridgetEBakerWrites.com or click Follow on her bio above to get notices and updates when she releases new books!

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Monday, 30 May 2022

Late Bloomer Blitz


Contemporary Romance, Romantic Comedy, Texas Romance, Small Town Romance

Date Published: May 31, 2022

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Strong Blooms Take Time.

Gray Temple is an angry man. He’s been suspended from the family law firm over a disputed divorce settlement, and he’s hiding out in Konigsburg, Texas, working at his brother’s BBQ joint and living in his cousin’s old apartment. Even as he nurses his fury at the injustice of it all, Gray suspects he needs to pull himself together. He just doesn’t exactly know how.

Amanda Sunderland is a little angry herself. She’s short two employees at her garden store and trying to deal with the possibility that her son’s wealthy father may want custody for himself and his new fiancée. When Gray offers his services as temporary help, Amanda’s happy to grab him.

As the two get to know each other better, grabbing takes on a whole new meaning. The heat between them makes Gray begin to see Konigsburg’s charms and Amanda begin to rethink the advantages of staying single.

But when Amanda’s son Vic and his best friend Daisy Toleffson disappear, panic hits Konigsburg. Can Gray and Amanda find the kids? Can Gray win back his reputation? And can he stay with Amanda if he goes back to the family firm?

It’s Konigsburg, y’all. Anything can happen.

 About the Author

Meg Benjamin is an award-winning author of romance. Meg’s Konigsburg series is set in the Texas Hill Country and her Salt Box and Brewing Love trilogies are set in the Colorado Rockies. Along with contemporary romance, Meg is also the author of the paranormal Ramos Family trilogy and the Folk trilogy. Meg’s books have won numerous awards, including an EPIC Award, a Romantic Times Reviewers’ Choice Award, the Holt Medallion from Virginia Romance Writers, the Beanpot Award from the New England Romance Writers, and the Award of Excellence from Colorado Romance Writers. Meg’s Web site is http://www.MegBenjamin.com. You can follow her on Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/meg.benjamin1), Pinterest (http://pinterest.com/megbenjamin/), Twitter (http://twitter.com/megbenj1) and Instagram (meg_benjamin). Meg loves to hear from readers—contact her at meg@megbenjamin.com.

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Lethal Force Blitz



Axel Blaze Thriller Book 2

Thriller, Crime Thriller

Date Published:  May 31, 2022


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“The cartel sends hitmen to take out Blaze and everyone he cares about.”


What the cartel doesn’t realize is it has messed with a LETHAL FORCE.



Following the successful debut of Blaze Returns, Bill Runner is back with the second novel in the Axel Blaze thriller series known for its fast-paced brutal action. After Blaze puts an end to the Mexican cartel’s meth operations in Nevada in Blaze Returns, the cartel sends hitmen to take out Blaze and everyone he cares about. What the cartel doesn’t realize is it has messed with a Lethal Force. He will strike back. Hard.

Other Books in the Axel Blaze Thriller Series


Blaze Returns

Axel Blaze Thriller Book 1

A page-turning debut thriller in the lone ranger tradition of Lee Child’s Jack Reacher, Vince Flynn’s Mitch Rapp and Mark Greaney’s The Gray Man novels. The fast-paced brutal action of Axel Blaze, the new tough guy in town, is catching the imagination of readers of thriller novels.

“I wasn’t expecting trouble when I pulled off the highway.” Ex-deputy US Marshal Axel Blaze is doing what he knows best – dealing with trouble. Ten years in the special forces and five years in the US Marshals have made Blaze a trained investigator and expert in combat. Blaze does not fight his opponents; he puts them down. He strikes first. And hard. Takes them out. Fast.

Deputy Marshal Carter has gone missing in Little Butte, Nevada. The Dawsons own the town. The Mexican cartel is moving in on their meth business. A gang war is coming to town. Director Flynn asks Blaze to return for one last assignment. It is up to Blaze to find Carter before all hell breaks loose.



About the Author

Bill Runner worked as an investigative reporter before turning to writing. He has created the Axel Blaze series of books. The next books in the series will be released in 2022. Bill has been a lifelong student of martial arts and has trained in Karate and Krav Maga. Working the crime beat and studying the art of fighting helped make him the author of nail-biting thrillers. Bill’s writing won him an award for debut authors at the London Book Fair.


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A Magical’s Gift Blitz



Paranormal Romance

Date Published: 06-07-2022

Publisher: Tirgearr Publishing

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The feud between fairies and wizards is an ancient threat in the magical world. Yet peace is possible. The child of a fairy and a wizard could reunite the factions of The Annunaki and end the unrest.

Niall Warde had been a carefree soul trapped in the rigid, ordered life of a wizard apprentice when he discovered the girl of his dreams was a fairy. He would never know if their forbidden love could survive because she disappeared without a trace. Unable to find her, Niall blamed his father for Amelie’s disappearance and left home without looking back.

Amelie Ricard knew she had to protect the baby she and Niall created. The fairies don't want peace and her mother, their leader, would stop at nothing to prevent armistice, including killing her own grandchild. So, she must leave her son Kurtis with his father to be raised as a wizard. She left the infant on the steps of his father’s cottage then disappeared, also leaving behind the only man she’s ever loved.

Thirty years later, Niall is called home for his father’s funeral where he reunites with Amelie. When Kurtis’ life is put into danger, Niall and Amelie must face the demons of the past to protect him.

Neither can bring back the past, but can they have a future together? Will their son unite their people in peace?



The heavy conversation hung in the air as thick as the humidity. Amelie understood the pain of losing a parent, but what could she say to comfort Niall? “I didn’t mean to intrude, Niall. Professional hazard? My subjects are usually less lively.”

He let out an unrestrained chuckle. “Amelie, you have a wonderful sense of humor.”

“I’ve been accused of many things, Niall. Having a sense of humor is not one of them.”

He smirked, communicating an entire conversation with the knowing look in his eyes.

She blushed under his direct perusal. “If you didn’t come with the high school tours, what brought you to the university today?”

He looked away as if trying to conceal his discomfort. When he turned to face her, he wore a hesitant look on his face, biting at his bottom lip in a way she just knew was out of character. “It’s foolish. I had a fight with my father. He wants me to join the family business. I don’t.”

Niall paused, but Amelie could see he wanted to confide in her, so she waited for him to continue.

“I parked at the edge of campus and wandered around for a bit. When I saw the large crowd outside the hall, I got curious.”

She muffled a giggle behind her hand. “I bet you were surprised you’d walked into an anthropology information session.”

“I won’t lie. It was the last thing I expected.”


About the Author

 Maya Tyler is a multi-published author of paranormal romance novels and blogger at Maya’s Musings. An avid reader, Maya writes the books she loves to read—romances! Her paranormal romances come with complex plot twists and happily-ever-afters.

When she’s not writing, she enjoys reading, listening to music (alternative rock, especially from the 1990s), practicing yoga, and watching movies and TV.


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One for the Money by Skye Warren blitz


One for the Money
Skye Warren
Published by: Dangerous Press
Publication date: May 24th 2022
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance

Finn Hughes knows about secrets. His family is as wealthy as the Rockefellers. And as powerful as the Kennedys. No one knows that the men in his line have a debilitating, early-onset illness. He’s managed the business from a young age while his father served as the figurehead. All the while knowing there’s a ticking clock on his ability to lead.

Eva Morelli is the oldest daughter. The responsible one. The caring one. The one who doesn’t have time for her own interests.

Especially not her interest in the charismatic, mysterious Finn Hughes.

A fake relationship is the answer to both their problems.It will keep the swarming society mothers from throwing their daughters at him.And it will keep Eva’s mother from bothering her about marriage.

Then the fake relationship starts to feel real.

But there’s no chance for them. No hope for a woman who’s had her heart broken. And no future for a man whose fate was decided long ago.

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Author Bio:

Skye Warren is the New York Times bestselling author of dangerous romance. Her books have sold over one million copies. She makes her home in Texas with her loving family, sweet dogs, and evil cat.

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Freedom or Death by Adria Carmichael blitz


Freedom or Death
Adria Carmichael
(Juche, #4)
Publication date: May 31st 2022
Genres: Dystopian, Young Adult

A highly addictive Young Adult Dystopian Survival Saga that will keep you glued to the pages.

Areum and Nari are arrested and face imminent doom, but are saved at the last minute by an unexpected and unspeakable betrayal.

Still, they are far from being out of the woods. As they are reassigned to food gathering duty in the mountains, they must continue their fight for survival under the constant threat of daily executions and the rampant starvation sweeping through the prison camp. And with time running out for Nari, Areum is more desperate than ever to find a way to escape, making her forge risky new alliances that until now would have been unthinkable.

As the situation in the camp deteriorates further, their survival comes down to their ability to work as a team. But dark secrets and lies continue to be revealed, sending the fragile coalition to the verge of collapse at an alarming speed.

Will they make it out in time?

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The guards led us along the dark, empty streets of the Village of the Strayed as an ice-cold drizzle sprayed us from above. They didn’t tell us where they were taking us or why, and we didn’t ask. We already knew the answers.

Neither Nari nor I resisted the relentless progression through the night. There was no screaming or kicking or biting or clawing. We just plodded forward compliantly, aware that any attempt to fight our silent captors would only make things worse. Or, at the very least—expedite the imminent torment awaiting us in the musty dungeons deep underground.

Nari’s soft sobbing behind me was the only sound I could hear over the beating of my heart and the stamping of heavy guard boots against the muddy surface beneath us. It took some time for the light rain to fully soak my short hair and glue it to my scalp, but once saturated, large drops of water began trickling down my forehead and into my swollen eyes. It didn’t hurt, but the sensation was strange and made me blink.

Considering the direness of our situation, I expected my chest to fill to the bursting point with uncontrollable panic at any moment. But it didn’t set in. Not yet at least. I knew it was just a matter of time before that horrible feeling returned to assert its rightful control over me. But at this precise moment, there was only one feeling consuming my existence—confusion. And as we passed the School of Juche, drawing closer to our inevitable destination, that feeling fueled a myriad of questions stampeding through the chaos in my mind.

What happened to Jun Ha?

Had the dark figure that entered the back of the truck been our father?

Why hadn’t Mina, Mrs. Choy, and Hana showed up at the meeting point?

And how in the Great General’s name did Sun Hee find out about our escape?

However, out of all the questions devoid of answers, one tormented me more than all the rest combined.

Author Bio:

Adria Carmichael is a writer of dystopian fiction with a twist. When she is not devouring dystopian and post-apocalyptic content in any format - books, movies, TV-series and PlayStation games - she is crafting the epic and highly-addictive Juche saga, her 2020 debut novel series that takes place in the brutal, totalitarian nation of Choson. When the limit of doom and gloom is reached, a 10K run on a sunny day or binging a silly sitcom on a rainy day is her go-to way to unwind.

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Only In Darkness by Brenda Stanley blitz


Only In Darkness
Brenda Stanley
Publication date: March 5th 2022
Genres: Adult, Paranormal, Thriller

Based on ancient Mayan mythology comes a story of bloodlust, love and the horrors of coming of age.

In ancient Central America, the legend of the Camazotz: large, bat-like creatures that desire blood and terrorize the villages in search of prey. When the volcano, Masaya, erupts and kills the tribe from which the Camazotz are from, they discover a miracle ash in the ruins.

Years later in present-day eastern Idaho, 17-year-old Emilio Chavez lives in an isolated area near the lava rock cliffs of the American Falls reservoir. From birth, he has been different. After Emilio’s friend Clara falls victim to a terrible accident, suspicions about Emilio arise, and he discovers an astonishing secret about his past.

As a sinister force tightens its grip on Clara, can Milo save her from those searching for blood while keeping his own internal demons at bay?

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I stand looking off the cliff at the raging river and jagged boulders below. I’m going to jump–or rather let myself give in to it and just fall–that I know. What I don’t know is what will happen next. There are two ways it will end, and the more I think about it, the more trouble I have deciding which result will be worse. Often, it’s the not knowing that makes life hell. I’ve been in the dark and unaware for so many years. Now I know what I am. But it is the unknown of what that fate holds for me, should I survive, that makes me shudder.

I’ve lost my family, my friends, and everything I’ve ever known, and still, someone, or something, is out there hunting me down like an animal, trying to take what has completely altered my life. The only thing I do know is I’m going to take the leap. It will be a rush for a few seconds, and then I will hit the rocks and hopefully die instantly or–and this is what I can’t fathom–if what they say is true, my back will explode, and I will transform into what my grandmother and the others of the tribe call the winged ones.

Author Bio:

Brenda Stanley is a former television news anchor and investigative reporter for the NBC affiliate in Eastern Idaho. She has been recognized for her writing by the Scripps Howard Foundation, the Hearst Journalism Awards, The Idaho Press Club and the Society for Professional Journalists. She is a graduate of Dixie College in St. George, Utah and the University of Utah in Salt Lake City. She is the mother of 5 children, including two sets of twins. Brenda and her husband Dave, a veterinarian, live on a small ranch near the Snake River with their horses and dogs.

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Sunday, 29 May 2022

His Fated One by Anna Ring

 ★.•°`☆ COVER REVEAL ☆`°•.★

➜ #CoverReveal for #AnnaRing with #PhoenixBookPromo

➜ His Fated One by Anna Ring
➜ Hosted by Phoenix Book Promo ➜ @byannaring @phoenixbookpromo

➜ Buy Link:  https://books2read.com/u/mv167z

Alek and Zia were your not so typical, rare, werewolf twins. Gifted extraordinary powers at birth to unlock when they shift, their life was headed on a righteous path as the Moons Warriors. But, a darkness had surrounded Zia, demons revealed themselves and in the face of death, Alek stole Zia away from their pack, becoming rogues to save her life. Now seventeen and nearly three years later, the siblings hopped from country to country, town to town before they were forced to go to school or face the consequences of being rogues. There, they meet their mates. Cairo, and Keiran, his best friend. Cairo runs the school, and when he finds out rogues have enrolled, he is not happy. Zia hides her scent, refusing to acknowledge Cairo as her mate. As tension rises between the two, they lock into a heated battle of wills. Just when Cairo thinks he couldn't hate her more, Zia is forced into battle, where her scent is released. Revealing herself to Cairo as his mate.

What ensues is a tumultuous ride of highs and lows, both Zia and Cairo trying to figure out their bond, a jealous pack members interfering ways, and their childhood trauma. But when all seems well, the twins past comes back to haunt them in unforgivable ways.

As Cairo's life is thrown into chaos, will he be able to save her in time? Or will she be lost forever?

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Every Third Night Blitz



Medical Thriller

Date Published: January 10, 2022

Publisher: MindStir Media


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"Every Third Night" is an eye-opening yet poignant story that is set in a busy, dehumanizing and unyielding New York City residency program in Obstetrics and Gynecology in 1984. It brings the reader into the real world of medicine at a time of limited supervision and brutal duty hours through the vantage points of young physicians enduring stressful conflicts and volatile relationships.

Protagonist and chief resident Jimmy Zito seemingly has it all- brilliant clinical skills, handsome, a talented teacher, and a gorgeous girlfriend to boot- but a troubled past and a rash of new conflicts leave him struggling to survive in this, his last month of training. He desperately tries to guide his fellow residents through their own personal traumas, but is not nearly as well equipped to handle the pressure as others might think, especially considering the toxic and exhaustive work schedule, unchecked aberrant behavior of attending physicians, and the highly competitive and emotional demands of Ob-Gyn.

Intern Henry Deluca grapples with the consequences of a horrific surgical complication that he feels responsible for. Co-chief resident Greta Greenberg struggles with her personal dilemma in a busy abortion clinic. Best friend Mike O'Rourke is driven to madness by an unreasonable superior's callousness concerning a dying patient with ovarian cancer. And Kim Clark, Jimmy's occult but obvious love interest, is at wits end after constantly being tortured by her sadistic Chairman. Jimmy's ultra-needy girlfriend and stubborn father do not make things any easier. The intertwined subplots all mesh together and come crashing down when an unexpected, dramatic and haunting mishap leaves the program reeling and Jimmy's life forever transformed.

About the Author

Dr. Mitchell Maiman became a physician at age twenty-four and is now retired. As a specialist in Obstetrics and Gynecology and sub-specialist in Gynecologic Oncology, he has had a distinguished academic, clinical and research career in medicine and served as both a Director of Gynecologic Oncology and Chairman of Obstetrics and Gynecology at major New York City based university hospitals. He has been recognized for his numerous educational contributions in the field and his devotion and commitment to the teaching of residents and fellows.

Mitch lives with his wife, Dr. Judy Levy, in Long Island, New York and is an avid tennis player and practitioner of yoga. They first met during their residency training. This is his first novel.

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