Synopsis ♥
Know your enemy if you want to survive…
The only way
for Khya to get her brother back alive is to kill Varan—the immortal
ruler who can’t be killed. But not even Varan knew what he was doing
when he perverted magic and humanity to become immortal.
leading her group of friends and rebels into the mountains that hold
Varan’s secrets, but if risking all their lives is going to be worth it,
she has to give up everything else—breaking the spell that holds her
brother captive and jeopardizing her deepening relationship with Tessen,
the boy who has been by turns her rival and refuge since her brother
disappeared. Immortality itself might be her only answer, but if that’s
where Khya has to go, she can’t ask Tessen or her friends to follow.
Sea of Strangers (The Ryogan Chronicles #2)
by Erica Cameron
Publication Date: December 5, 2017
Publisher: Entangled Teen
ISBN: 978-1633758285
Kindle $5.98 or $9.99 Paperback
Kindle £4.48 or £7.46
Link to
Excerpt ♥
The sight of him against the stone sparks a memory that makes
my hands still. I laugh. “You know, it’s several moon cycles late, but
we’re finally exactly where the entire city thought we were when we kept
sneaking off.”
“I’m glad they’re finally right.” He runs
his free hand up my bare thigh, his touch and his voice shaky, but it’s
the wide-eyed disbelief on his face that makes my heart skip a beat. “I
hoped, but I wasn’t sure it’d ever happen.”
I sit up
straighter, flattening my palm against the center of his chest and
watching him. “The way you’re looking at me, it seems like you’re still
not sure it’s happening.”
“The good moments have been
rare recently.” His hand slides over my hip and presses against the
center of my lower back, drawing me down until his lips brush against
mine before he whispers, “And this is unbelievably good.”
Book Review: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Sea of strangers is book 2 in The Ryogan Chronicles. It's the middle child journey book of the trilogy. It's full of adventure, action and mysterious lands. The Ryogan Chronicles are continuous and cannot be read as a standalone. Sea of strangers is a fantasy, magical book with an undesirable world. It is aimed at the young adult audience. It has romance, however, there is so much more to this series.
Khya is desperate to get her brother back even if the task seems impossible. The mission will be difficult and dangerous. Luckily she has her friends to help her. Knowing the right people could help them find what they need, but also opens them up to new dangers. Varna is the ultimate enemy. His defeat seems impossible. Using magic, knowledge and their survival skills the quest to find Khya's brother continues. This book ends with a high and leaves you wanting more.
I found this a little more enjoyable than the first book, which is probably because we already know some of the characters. There is a character list at the beginning and a glossary at the back which are essential. This is not a light read and I would recommend you clear your schedule and find a quiet place to read.
*I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review as part of the chapter by chapter blog tour*
4 stars out of 5.

About the AUTHOR:
Erica Cameron is the author of books for
young adults including the Ryogan Chronicles, the Assassins duology, and The
Dream War Saga. She also co-authored the Laguna Tides novels with Lani
Woodland. An advocate for asexuality and emotional abuse awareness, Erica has
also worked with teens at a residential rehabilitation facility in her hometown
of Fort Lauderdale.
Link to Tour Schedule:
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