Mocking Man
Pact Book 1
Leslie Georgeson
Romantic Suspense, Organized Crime
PACT: Two friends. One pact. A dangerous plan with an elaborate
deception. In a world where they must rely on each other to survive,
how far will each of them go to honor the pact?
Mocking Man:
a word I would have associated with myself fifteen years ago. Back
then I was innocent and carefree, a teenage boy with big
my best friend Rafe was kidnapped, and my world fell apart. I
foolishly thought I could save him.
was wrong.
my entire life is a web of deceit. My every breath tainted by lies. I
don’t like what I’ve become. But it’s essential for my very
job now is to stay in the shadows and keep Rafe’s sister Isabella
safe. She can’t even know I’m here.
danger lurks closer. Somehow, I must protect her while keeping my
I get so caught up in my own twisted game that I eventually make a
terrible mistake.
she’s a part of the pact. And I can’t let her go.
what kind of life can I give her if I can never be anything more than
the mocking man?
series is a romantic suspense duet. Book 1 is Alex's story, and Book
2 is Rafael's story. While each can be read as a stand-alone, events
in book 1 lead to events in book 2. Therefore, to get the full story
without spoilers, it is recommended that they be read in order. These
books contain strong language, adult situations, and dark subject
matters. Recommended for readers ages 18 and up.***
.99 cents until Sep 30th!!**
Mr. Wilson could be watching me right now through the video surveillance he’d mentioned.
Be very careful, Izzy. You could go to jail if you get caught.
boss’s words about being unethical suddenly flashed through my mind.
What I was contemplating now wasn’t ethical at all. It was dishonest.
But I needed to find out if Alex was alive. I needed to
find the mocking man. And I needed to do it today. So while Mr. Wilson
slept, I was going to quietly snoop while I cleaned, and see if I could
find something that might give me answers.
Video surveillance be
dammed. If I moved around just right, carrying my supplies and acting
like I was cleaning, then he wouldn’t know I was snooping, right?
with a duster and the container of disinfectant wipes to make it look
like I was actually cleaning if I got caught, I first headed into the
family room off of the dining area, glancing for a photograph, a note,
something, swiping with the wipe and dusting off the wooden furniture as
I went.
A half hour later, I’d searched through this entire
side of the villa and found no evidence suggesting Alex Davies might
live here. Was I wasting my time here? Was Alex truly dead?
I tiptoed back into the kitchen. Then I went around past the sunroom area and down a separate hallway.
searching through an office with a nice collection of hard-bound books,
glancing into a workout room that contained various different exercise
equipment and a sparring mat, and not seeing anything in the remaining
two bedrooms and bathroom along this hall, I came to a halt at the end.
The last door to my right was closed.
The sun wasn’t all the way
up yet, so it was still a bit dark in the hallway. Then I realized the
“closed” door actually stood slightly ajar. Just a crack. As if someone
had forgotten to close it all of the way.
For some reason, that small opening called to me, saying, “Come check me out. There are secrets in here.”
And I fell for it. Hook, line, and sinker.
gravitated toward the opening, eager to see beyond, taking no heed to
my inner warnings that shrieked, curiosity killed the cat, Izzy. Be
Gently pressing on the door, I pushed it open.
The room was shrouded in darkness, the curtains drawn.
A sense of eeriness crept over me as I tried to make out what I was seeing.
I stumbled back, a scream erupting from my throat.
What the…crap was that?

Honest Liar
Pact Book 2
likes a liar.
sometimes lies are essential.
my world, the truth can kill.
years I tried to escape the cartel.
will I ever be free of its pull?
have a Big Plan, and no one is getting in my way.
even a stubborn, sexy cop who won’t keep her nose out of my
Sanderson is determined to end me.
she doesn’t know how powerful I am.
so, some things are beyond my control.
she’s in danger.
will do whatever is necessary to keep her safe.
don’t want to hurt Jamie, but I’m already buried so deep in the
lies that neither one of us will emerge unscathed.
losing her really worth seeing my plan to fruition?
series is a romantic suspense duet. Book 1 is Alex's story, and Book
2 is Rafael's story. While each can be read as a stand-alone, events
in book 1 lead to events in book 2. Therefore, to get the full story
without spoilers, it is recommended that they be read in order. These
books contain strong language, adult situations, and dark subject
matters. Recommended for readers ages 18 and up.***
The front door of the business opened. People began spilling from the
building. All men. All toting the “thug” look. Shifty eyes. Mean
expressions. Most under thirty and dressed in low-slung jeans and Tees.
They strode to their cars, and soon the parking lot emptied out.
There was no sign of Rafael Ortiz.
Keith cleared his throat. “Are you sure he’s here?”
“Well, this is his car…” I trailed off as the door opened again, and Rafael emerged from the building.
“Shit,” Keith whispered, his mouth gaping open.
Yeah, shit was right.
moved slowly, limping as he headed toward us. His face sported numerous
cuts and rapidly forming bruises, his left eye was puffy and swollen
shut, and bloody tissues plugged his nostrils. He looked hideous. Like
he’d taken one hell of a serious beating. I flinched in sympathy. Oh,
what a shame to see that beautiful face marred like that.
His open right eye focused on me as he halted before us.
“What the hell happened to you?” I blurted.
cut lip twitched in a smirk. “Thank you for asking, Detective. Here I
thought you didn’t care about me, except to find reasons to arrest me.”
Keith snickered.
“That’s not true.” My face heated. Was I really that rude to him?
He glanced at Keith. “How did you get dragged into her persecution of me? I thought you were my friend.”
Keith reddened. “I simply offered to be her backup since her partner is out sick today. That’s all.”
not persecuting you,” I denied. “I was just following a lead. I know
you’re up to something. All those men who just left here are associated
with a cartel.”
Rafael grunted, his right eye centering on me
again. “So, once again, I’m guilty by association? This is a gym,
Detective. People come here to work out all the time. To fight. To
smooth out their issues.”
I huffed. “Well, you obviously just got your ass kicked. Did you get your issues worked out? You look like shit.”
He chuckled softly, wincing in pain. “Oh, you got it all wrong, Detective. I didn’t get my ass kicked. I won.”

Georgeson likes to skirt the boundaries between romance and suspense,
sometimes tossing in a dash of sci-fi or paranormal to make things
more interesting. She is the author of the popular military romantic
suspense series, THE DREGS, which was nominated for the 2018 TopShelf
Indie Book Awards. Her other titles include the THE PACT duet, the
UNLIKELY HEROES series, the UNDERNEATH series, and the standalone NO
SON OF MINE. Leslie lives with her husband and daughter on a quiet
country acreage in Idaho.
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