Friday, 30 November 2018

Paper Girl by Cindy R. Wilson #Blitz #BlogTourComingsoon!

Welcome to the Release Week Blitz for
Paper Girl by Cindy R. Wilson
presented by Entangled Teen!
We've got 2 fabulous giveaways available for you at the end of the post!

I haven’t left my house in over a year. My doctor says it’s social anxiety, but I know the only things that are safe are made of paper. My room is paper. My world is paper. Everything outside is fire. All it would take is one spark for me to burst into flames. So I stay inside. Where nothing can touch me.
Then my mom hires a tutor. Jackson. This boy I had a crush on before the world became too terrifying to live in. Jackson’s life is the complete opposite of mine, and I can tell he’s got secrets of his own. But he makes me feel things. Makes me want to try again. Makes me want to be brave. I can almost taste the outside world. But so many things could go wrong, and all it takes is one spark for everything I love to disappear…

Cindy lives at the foothills of the Rocky Mountains, and loves using Colorado towns and cities as inspiration for settings in her stories. She's the mother of three girls, who provide plenty of fodder for her YA novels. Cindy writes speculative fiction and YA fiction, filled with a healthy dose of romance. You'll often find her hiking or listening to any number of playlists while she comes up with her next story idea.
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Our Stop 5th December 2018

The Forever Plan #CoverReveal

♡☆(¸.•´COVER REVEAL •*¨)☆♡

The Forever Plan
By Jennah Thornhill & Sienna Grant
Cover Designed by Credit Undercover Designs

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Do you ever look at your life and think fuck it? Because that’s what I did.
I was sick of being my husbands doormat, it was time I started living my life, my way. I'd been walked all over for the last time.
Newly divorced, my mission was to just have fun and enjoy my new job.
I had a plan.
That was until a night out changed everything for me, he wasn’t supposed to happen, he wasn’t supposed to come barrelling into my life and make me need him.
Dylan Proctor, did exactly that.
And now I’m so screwed.
Do I learn to love and trust again or do I walk away not knowing if he could have been my forever plan?


In life there’s always that one person that makes you look twice, who makes you think you could have so much more…
As it was, I was already winning in business when I met Serena Davenport.
She came in the form of a sassy redhead, she made me see there was something missing from my life, but with a newfound purpose brings new obstacles…could he win in his personal life too?
Will Dylan be able to pull off the ultimate deal of his career and make Serena part of his forever plan?

●•٠ⓐⓤⓣⓗⓞⓡ ⓑⓘⓞ٠•●

Jennah Thornhill

Jennah Thornhill is a mother and a wife, she lives in a small town called Stoke-On-Trent with her husband and 2 children. She's always been an avid reader but due to a health condition she could no longer go into a work place. So one day she had this bright idea to write about four cocky but very sexy rockstars. That's when the Syren Series was born. Syren's Angel her debut novel was released in April swiftly followed my Syren's Heaven & Hell in July 2017! Jennah has now released 5 books and is working on more

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Sienna Grant

Sienna Grant is a romance writer. She's married to her soulmate and is a mother to 3 children, two of which are all grown up.

When she's not being a mother and wife, she loves to write and make up her own world but still loves a hint of realism.

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Temptation Trials Rebellion #Blitz

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Adult, Dystopian Romance & Urban Fantasy
Date Published: 11/30/2018

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Can love defeat the greatest temptation ... lust?

In a post-apocalyptic nation where the land of the free is now run under a dictatorship, there is one factor that holds the key to keeping world order—love. The new Regime controls the emotions of the heart. It’s their most vital law. At the age of twenty-one, every citizen is forced into an arranged marriage. The only way to escape the arrangement is to enter the Temptation Trials—a government-sponsored reality TV show where the loyalties of the contestants are tested by Tempters and Temptresses who are impossible to resist.

Catalina enters the Trials as a Temptress in hopes that she can win the funds to save her brother. Sahara’s been ridiculed in the eyes of the public. By being a Temptress, she’ll be able to have a fresh start. The Regime promises that if she fulfills her role on the show they will wipe her slate clean.

The problem is that the Trials are rigged for failure. In all the prior seasons, love’s rival, lust, has proven to be more powerful. No contestant has ever won the Temptation Trials and be allowed to stay with their chosen partner. Lutheran Eminence, the world’s dictator, has shown that he’s the ultimate matchmaker.

As the Temptation Ball approaches, conflict is at an all-time high. Most couples are too hurt by betrayal to reconcile. With the odds stacked against them, Kincade and Tobias try to mend their relationships, hoping that the greater good will prevail.

Attempting to uncover the true meaning of love may cost the contestants more than they bargained for—it may cost their souls.


Sahara tossed and turned. When she finally fell asleep a reoccurring nightmare consumed her….

            Sahara had been in a funk all day. The last month had been horrible, not talking to Calvin. He’d tried numerous times to reach out to her. Sahara’s only response through text had been, I just think it’s best if we don’t see each other anymore.
            Slowly, his texts and calls lessened, but today Calvin had texted, begging to see her because he would be in town this weekend. Sahara was struggling with giving in, wanting to see him desperately.
            She handed a customer their latte, and then greeted the next in line—a male and female enforcer approached the counter.
            “Hello, what can I get for you guys?” Sahara greeted.
             “Are you Sahara Fenty?” the female officer asked with a stern expression.
            “I am.”
            Sahara’s co-worker, Caren, raised her eyebrows.
            “What is this about?” Sahara asked, her stomach clenching.
            “Sahara Fenty, you’re under arrest for the Floozy charge,” the female enforcer announced, loud enough for the entire cafe to hear.
            A few customers gasped, and her co-worker’s eyes were about to pop from their sockets. She wanted the floor to just suck her up. “What is the meaning of this?” Sahara questioned, having a damn good idea. She would bet money it involved her first love.
            “Calvin Bush’s wife, Bonnie, is pressing charges against you. She has proof that you and her husband are having an affair.”
            More gasps from the cafe. Sahara wanted to die. “What proof does she have?”
            “Please don’t make this harder than it has to be, Ms. Fenty,” the male enforcer intervened, wiping out his hand-cuffs.
            This was the most humiliating moment of Sahara’s life. Not wanting to cause herself further embarrassment, she cooperated and went with them willingly.

About the Author

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B. Truly has wanted to be an author since she was fifteen years old and is grateful to have accomplished this dream. She has very vivid dreams and a wild imagination. She likes to read, watch tons of TV shows, and movies. She’s addicted to romance and gets a thrill out of action and sci-fi. She writes New Adult and Adult, Romance. Sci-fi, Dystopian, and Paranormal genres.

B. Truly likes to explore different elements of sci-fi romance, and create various realms of reality. She also loves creating impossible situations for her characters to grow from and try to overcome.

B. Truly has three wonderful children and a husband who defines the person that she is today. She works full-time as an Ultrasound technologist in Houston, Texas.

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Thursday, 29 November 2018

Ruins on a Stone Hill blog tour

No Cowboys No Angels Tour and Giveaway #KindleUnlimited

No Cowboys No Angels
The Mystery Angel Romances Book 1
by Petie McCarty
Genre: Romantic Suspense

Kellen Brand's inheritance turns out to be a whopper—one dilapidated farm in West Virginia and one guardian angel!

Since Kellen is convinced no sane woman would choose to live in Riverside, she vows to sell her farm and quick. Her handsome neighbor Luke Kenyon must block the farm sale or risk exposure of his family's secrets. While Kellen has located one potential buyer, she faces a town full of objectors. Someone is trying to frighten her off, and Luke is forced to step in and rescue her more than once.

Unfortunately, Kellen can't seem to stay out of trouble. She stumbles onto a clandestine hazardous-waste-dumping operation next to her farm, and she prays Luke has one more rescue up his sleeve. It's her only hope of staying alive.

Unless her mother really did leave her a guardian angel . .

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Kindle Unlimited

On the south side of town, Luke gave Windsor a little nudge to speed him up since Grandfather’s property was close. Horse and rider slowed to make the turn at Laden Mill Road, and Luke gazed out over the grassy pasture before he gave Windsor his head again. The grassy pasture belonged to him now and looked in desperate need of a good mowing. If he didn’t get someone to cut it soon, he or Hank would have to do it, and neither of them had the time. He reined in Windsor at the entrance drive and scanned the barn and then the house.
His jaw sagged. Someone stood on his front porch and peeked in his windows—a red-haired someone. He gave Windsor a poke with his heels, and the horse leaped forward in response. Galloping down the entrance drive, Luke reined in hard at the bottom step and startled his trespasser.
“And you are on my front porch because?” he barked, while holding the skittish stallion in place. Windsor had had his head, and he wanted it again.
Kellen’s eyes went wide with guilt. “I was just—”
“Snooping?” Windsor sidestepped to the right, forcing Luke to twist around in his saddle to hold eye contact.
She stiffened and her brilliant green eyes flashed with temper. “I was not! You-You—” She stamped her foot.
“Owner?” he said, unwilling to let her off the hook for an instant. Not when he had her good and cornered. Thank God, Windsor kept him so busy he didn’t ogle her like a schoolboy.
“No, I was going to say—”
The horse reared and pawed the air, effectively cutting her off. Of course, Luke’s little heel nudge and rein tug instigated the ostentatious display. He swiftly turned the horse back around so he could face her.
“So, why are you here? On my front porch. Peeking in my windows.”
She gave him a glare fit for the devil. “I was not peeking. I was trying to see if anyone was home.”
He waited.
Her eyes narrowed. “I didn’t want anything.” She hesitated. “I wasn’t doing anything.”
“Well, if you didn’t want anything and you weren’t doing anything . . .” He eased the powerful horse right up next to her though she stood her ground on the bottom step. “. . .then you must need a ride home.”
He snatched her off the step before she could answer and counted on the little spitfire having the presence of mind to swing her leg over the horse when Windsor took off. She didn’t disappoint him. The stallion streaked for the break in the tree line, and she clung to him like a tick on a coon dog. The feel of her arms around his waist had his heart rate matching Windsor’s rhythmic gait once again. Through the tree break and across her unplowed fields, they galloped.
He should slow the horse on the uneven ground. He really should. But if he did, Kellen would loosen her death grip on him.

The sure-footed stallion galloped across the fields as though he knew right where Luke was headed. He waited to the last possible second to rein in the black horse at Kellen’s front steps, then reached around at the same time to slide her off Windsor’s back. Once her feet touched the ground with her balance assured, he tapped his heels to the stallion and cantered back across the fields. He didn’t dare risk a backward glance and spoil his memory of the ride with another hard glare from the beauty.

Petie spent a large part of her career working at Walt Disney World -- "The Most Magical Place on Earth" -- where she enjoyed working in the land of fairy tales by day and creating her own romantic fairy tales by night, including her new series, The Cinderella Romances. She eventually said good-bye to her "day" job to write her stories full-time. These days Petie spends her time writing sequels to her regency time travel series, Lords in Time, and her cozy-mystery-with-a-dash-of-romantic-suspense series, the Mystery Angel Romances.

Petie shares her home on the Cumberland Plateau in Tennessee with her horticulturist husband, a spoiled-rotten English Springer spaniel addicted to pimento-stuffed green olives, and a noisy Nanday conure named Sassy who made a cameo appearance in Angel to the Rescue.

Follow the tour HERE for exclusive content and a giveaway!

Death O Death TOUR

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Date Published: 31st October

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A collection of ten horror short stories, everything from the macabre to the down right disgusting.

Short Stories Include:

Why aren’t you scared


Don’t look under the bed

Trick or Treat.





Can you Imagine

Point of no return

Each of the stories are unique and filled with terrifying, gruesome tales that are sure to rise your blood pressure. Lovers of monsters, the unexplained, serial killing maniacs and much more. Sink your teeth in and be in for a treat this Halloween.

About the Author

Born and raised in New Zealand, a mother and wife who donates what spare time she has into volunteer work with Autistic children.

Ellie Douglas is addicted to horror, everything about it she loves. She enjoys creating strong characters that rise to the top from ordinary lives.

Her love affair with horror has seen her produce three award winning horror books.

Ellie is creative in all aspects with several adult coloring books and an online casino slot game under her belt. She is constantly striving to do more. Ellie also makes professional book covers for authors and has helped people with making them a websites, banners, and logos.

Ellie’s ultimate aim is to give back, paying it forward and to constantly better herself. To give the audience amazing entertaining stories that she herself would read.

She would love to scare you…

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Era of Lanterns and Bells Blitz

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Fiction, Literature
Published: September 2017
Publisher: Napili Press

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In The Era of Lanterns and Bells, a lighthouse is haunted by the memory of lighthouse keepers, a train operator is forever changed by a subway suicide, a journalist befriends a homeless virtuoso, an orca trainer believes she's a whale, an aerialist runs away from the circus, and a Golden Gate Bridge jumper saves lives with fortune cookies. An obese woman is rescued from being a shut-in, a woman discovers that her favorite childhood pond is polluted and cancer-causing, a woman falls in love with a bipolar man in Jamaica, and an arborist writes love letters from trees. These quirky and darkly comic stories entertain while posing essential questions about truth, compassion, and humanity.

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About the Author

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Ann Tinkham is a writer based in Boulder, Colorado. She is an anti-social butterfly, pop-culturalist, virtual philosopher, ecstatic dancer, political and java junkie. When she's not tinkering with words, she's seeking adventures. Ann has talked her way out of an abduction and talked her way into the halls of the United Nations. She hitchhiked up a mountain in Switzerland and worked her way down the corporate ladder. Ann has flown on a trapeze and traded on the black market in Russia. She cycles up steep canyons, hikes to glacial lakes and mountain peaks, and blazes her own ski trails. As soon as she amasses a fortune, she plans to buy an island and hopes she won't be voted off her own island. Her fiction and essays have appeared in All Things Girl, Apt, Denver Syntax, Edifice Wrecked, Foliate Oak, Hiss Quarterly, Lily Literary Review, Short Story Library, Slow Trains, Stone Table Review, Synchronized Chaos, The Adirondack Review, The Battered Suitcase, The Citron Review, The Literary Review, Toasted Cheese, Wild Violet, Word Riot, and others. Ann's essay, "The Tree of Hearts" was nominated for a Pushcart Prize and her story, "Afraid of the Rain" was nominated for Sundress's Best of the Net Anthology.

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RABT Book Tours & PR

Wednesday, 28 November 2018

Blog Tour for ONLY LOVE

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Heartfelt, beautiful and sexy!"

- Lauren Blakely, #1 New York Times bestselling author

Only Love, an all-new sexy standalone romance from USA Today bestselling author Melanie Harlow is available now!

Only Love AMAZON
A gorgeous former Marine with a tortured soul.
The beautiful, compassionate therapist living next door.
A meddlesome grandma determined to get them together.
I was expecting a proposal on my birthday, and I got dumped instead.
How could I have been so clueless?
Grams knew exactly how to distract me.
The “cute boy next door” who’s been helping her with yard work clearly needs a little therapy. Who better to call than her newly single therapist granddaughter?
She even fakes dementia to get me to visit, and now that I’m here she’s doing everything in her power to throw us together.
Not that I’m complaining. Ryan is the sexiest man I’ve ever met--I mean the full package, from the chiseled jaw to the massive shoulders to the rippling abs. (And yes, his package is full, and he knows exactly how to deliver it.) He makes me want to get out of my head and follow my heart. He makes me want to take chances I never thought I’d take.
He also makes me want to take my clothes off. A lot.
But he’s moody and challenging--one minute he’s an open book, and the next he’s completely closed off. He holds me like he’ll never let go, but insists he wants to be alone.
Some wounds are so deep, only love can heal them.
How can I convince him to let me try?
Download your copy today!
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Excerpt: “Ryan?” Startled, I turned around to find Stella standing a few feet away on the grass, wearing a T-shirt and pajama pants, arms crossed over her chest. Her feet were bare, and her hair was loose around her shoulders and a little messy, like she’d already been asleep. Thinking about her in bed did things to my insides. “Hey. Did I wake you?” “I was awake. My windows are open, and I heard something and thought I saw you through the window. What are you doing?” “Uh, building you a swing. But it was supposed to be a surprise.” Now that she’d caught me at it, I was kind of embarrassed. What if she thought this was stupid? “You built me a swing?” She came a little closer, and I realized she might not be able to see it in the dark. The moon was only a sliver tonight. “Yeah.” I grabbed one of the ropes. “Right here.” She stared at it. “Why?” “I’m not entirely sure.” Her eyes met mine, and my heart pumped harder. “Want to try it?” I asked. “Like right now?” I moved behind it and held both ropes steady. “Come sit.” She hesitated, and I thought maybe she was going to tell me to quit being weird and go home before she called the cops, but after a few silent seconds, she came toward me. Turned around. Lowered herself to the seat and closed her fingers around the ropes. “Well?” I asked. “How does it feel? Like you’re a kid again?” “This was very kind of you, but not necessary.” Her tone was stiffer than her posture. “Stella.” She didn’t answer. “I’m sorry.” “About what?” “Last night.” “You’re sorry about what we did?” “I think I’m more sorry about what we didn’t do.” Her head turned sharply, and she looked at me over one shoulder. “You sure know how to confuse a girl.” “One of my many talents.” She looked straight ahead again. “Tell me about some other ones. And give me a push.” I smiled, even though she couldn’t see it, and gave her a little nudge. “I’m fast.” “Oh really?” “Yeah.” I gave her a little harder push. “Track team in high school?” “Tried. Didn’t take.” “Why not?” “They expected me to show up for practice.” “Ah.” She straightened her legs and leaned back in the swing, her hair dangling behind her. “Tell me another one.” I gave her another push. “I’m good with my hands.” Her laugh floated back to me. “I have observed this about you already. Give me another one.” I pushed her again, just so I could feel her hair brush against my hands. “I’m not afraid of anything.” “No? Nothing?” “Nothing I can think of.” “Hmm.” “Are you analyzing me now?” “Kind of. I mean, you can’t say something like that to a therapist and expect her not to reflect on it a little bit, right?” “And?” “And what?” “Do you think I’m a liar or a fool?” “Neither,” she answered. “I think you mean what you say. I think you only lie when you have to, and even then, you hate it. And if I dug a little deeper—which I won’t, because my sisters have told me it’s annoying and intrusive—I think I might discover that it’s because above all, you value your honor. Your word.” For a moment, I was too stunned to think or move or speak. Then I said, “I take it back.” “Take what back?” “What I said. That I’m not afraid of anything.” “Oh? And what are you afraid of?” She swung back toward me and I caught her around the waist. Put my lips to her ear. “Your ability to read my mind.” Beneath my arms I could feel her chest expand and contract faster. “I’m sorry, Ryan. I know I shouldn’t say those—” “Come home with me,” I said, my voice raw with something like thirst. I pressed my lips to her throat and breathed in her scent. I let one hand move toward her breast. I waited for an elbow to the ribcage, a cry for help, a slap across the face. Because if she could read my mind right now, she’d know exactly what I wanted to do to her—and it was a long, detailed list. “Yes,” she whispered. “Yes.”
About Melanie Harlow
Melanie Harlow likes her martinis dry, her heels high, and her history with the naughty bits left in. When she's not writing or reading, she gets her kicks from TV series like VEEP, Game of Thrones, House of Cards, and Homeland. She occasionally runs three miles, but only so she can have more gin and steak. Melanie is the author of the AFTER WE FALL series, the HAPPY CRAZY LOVE series, the FRENCHED series, and the sexy historical SPEAK EASY duet, set in the 1920s. She lifts her glass to romance readers and writers from her home near Detroit, MI, where she lives with her husband, two daughters, and pet rabbit. Harlow Headshot Color.jpg
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Side Hustle #Teaser

Side Hustle

(Dawson Family #3)

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Blinded Tour and Giveaway

Bound Series Book 2
by Jennifer Dean
Genre: YA Paranormal Romance

Despite the attack that almost took her life, Emma Morgan has accepted the risk that comes from being in love with an immortal like Liam Alexander.

But continuing to seek the approval of her older brother is a whole different struggle, and when tensions finally reach a breaking point between the siblings, looming enemies take advantage of the distraction.

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Within seconds we were on highway 264, heading toward the Alexander mansion—or Goose Creek Park to those unaware of the Alexander’s true residence.
“Now are you going to tell me why we had to fake an illness to escape me from school grounds?” I looked down at our hands with a gulp before finding the courage to look back at up him.
“Time is of the essence,” Liam said.
With my stubbornness beginning to surface, Liam looked at me with prideful satisfaction while the same hesitation I had seen in the school hallway lingered within his eyes. I was going to have to drag it out of him. It would have been convenient to have Sean’s ability right now.
“Liam…” I paused with a frustrated sigh to his silence as he looked back out the windshield. “What is so bad that you had to ask me to leave school? Your face doesn’t exactly look as if you got the urge to head out on vacation.”
“Would you go with me if I asked?”
Liam turned his neck to gaze at me with eyes so bright they almost frightened me. How could someone look so hopeful and saddened at the same time?
“Anywhere. Anytime,” I said.
“Maybe when I…”
He stopped himself with his words, gripping his knuckles tightly on the steering wheel.
“Maybe when you what?” I closed my eyes as I spoke his name aloud as if it were a password. “Liam…” They opened back to gaze upon his dirty blonde hair. “Please just tell me. What’s wrong?”
I sat in silence shifting my eyes around his face as if they were a plane and I was trying to find a safe place to land. I waited in continued silence as I caught sight of the road that lead to the Alexander Mansion. Just when the white of the mansion peeked through the trees Liam finally spoke without looking at me.
“Something’s happened.”
I ignored my desire to be angry with his silence up to this point.
He was ready to tell, so I was ready to listen.
“What has?”
Liam pulled swiftly into the curved drive before putting it in park and turning his body completely to face me. He closed his eyes with a sigh for only a second’s composure before opening them with an exhale. My heart beat faster, afraid of his next words.
“Sean didn’t come back from his watch this morning.”
At the sound of Sean’s name I grabbed instinctively at the door handle for support. My stomach barrel rolled with a fear, and a shiver ran up my spine, leaving me dizzy. Liam’s hand moved to gently hold my face level with his own, forcing me to concentrate on him. My eyes desperately wanted to shift down in panic as I thought about Sean’s fate, but the emerald glow of Liam’s eyes were enough to hold me. Unfortunately, they couldn’t stop the dark thoughts from circling my mind. Where is he? Was he distracted from last night? This is my fault.
“Oh God, that was something important when Grace called. Was that when they knew…and we waited the whole period…what do we–”
The last time I had been this jumbled was when I had discovered Sean was immortal. Each thought ran wildly in every direction, spreading panic in its path. I felt my deep breaths become shorter upon each inhale.
Liam’s gentle tone brought my focus back enough to voice my fears.
“He’s missing?” I said.
“Yes,” Liam said.
I could feel the sweat glisten my palms as my heart beat even faster. I slowly reached my right hand up to lay on top of Liam’s left as my lips pulled together.
“But he’s not de—”
I breathed out a small sigh of relief at his interruption. I dropped my hands into my lap, grateful because I didn’t think I could have even finished the last word of my question.
“Come on,” Liam said.
He dropped his hands from my face and reached for the door handle. I quickly followed him out of the car, meeting at the end of his car’s hood. We held onto each other’s hands as we ran–at my pace–up the curved porch stairs. Despite my lack of concentration to each step, I was impressed that I hadn’t tripped.
Once reaching the porch we slowed, not stopping as Patrick opened the door, ushering us inside. Once in the living room, my eyes bounced from left to right, shocked to see every member of the Alexander clan. Well, everyone except my brother.
Liam and I dropped hands as I gazed at the right side of the room to see Grace next to William. She was talking on the phone to someone while William looked at a map. Liam began heading in their direction. I followed him on auto-pilot, my mind still processing the situation. As I got closer, I could hear Grace.
“Yes, Kallie. The scent goes north before dropping off completely.”
As Grace listened to Kallie’s reply on the other end, I gazed up to see her withdrawn cheeks and brightened sapphire eyes. Grace looked back at me for only a few seconds before looking back at the map.
“I understand,” Grace said.
She stood listening to Kallie before letting her eyes close for only a second’s need of composure.
“Thank you,” Grace said before ending the call with her thumb, and placing the cell phone into her pocket.
Whatever Kallie had said it must have been about Sean. My stomach tensed as I watched Grace lower her finger to the map.
“Liam, you head south while Will and I head past the northern border,” Grace said.
There were so many things happening it was hard to know what to ask first.
“You’re going?” I said.
I turned my head to meet Liam’s already waiting eyes. They weren’t the only pair that gazed back at me.
“There’s a better chance of finding him if the three of us go,” Liam said.
I nodded with my small exhale. The voice in my mind told me to shut up. It wasn’t my business to question how immortals tracked. I guess it was just human nature to worry about those you love. I was torn between the uneasiness of Liam leaving and the gratefulness of his selfless search to find my brother.
“You’re right,” I said choosing the latter.
If only I had the gift to see into Sean’s thoughts the way he had read mine after Henry had taken me. I could end this search immediately and send them to get him. But I couldn’t. I could do nothing.

I sighed, focusing my eyes on the ground before they suddenly froze in place with a new thought. No, I couldn’t peek within Sean’s mind but he could always hear what was in mine. Sean. If you’re still alive—god I didn’t mean that—I just mean if you are hearing me now then I want you to know one thing. They’re going to find you. They are going to bring you back to me so that I can see you one last time. And once I see you are okay, I promise I will give you your wish and let you move on with your new life. I promise, big brother. I love you.

Bound Series Book 1

When fate leads Emma Morgan back to her small hometown of Washington, she learns that the life she knew three years ago has changed once she meets the charmingly, mysterious Liam Alexander. But when her brother Sean, voices his disapproval, Emma finds her loyalty in the way of her newfound curiosity of the youngest Alexander. Only the more she tries to avoid Liam the more she finds him in her constant company.

A risk that leads down a dangerous path once Emma begins to discover a secret about the Alexanders that no human should ever know.

I was never that child you found in the corner reading. In fact, I loathed the idea of picking up a book. The activity seemed more of a chore than a past time.
All that changed when my brother began talking to me about the newest novel he was reading.Harry Potter and The Order of the Phoenix. Before I knew it, my curiosity got the better of me, luring me to try the series. It didn't take long for my mindset of reading to turn on its head. 
But even with my new hobby discovered it wasn't until my junior year of college that I developed a hidden desire for writing stories. And when I found myself writing scenes instead of paying attention to my professors, I knew becoming a writer was the career path I was meant to follow.

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