Sunday, 28 February 2021

Mystery Bones Murders Tour and Giveaway!



Mystery Bones Murders
Frankie Shep Suspense Novellas Book 1
by Karen Randau
Genre: Suspense

A feisty redhead must fight to save herself and the people she loves in acclaimed mystery/thriller author Karen Randau's novella of love, deceit, and redemption.

Frankie Shep carries a secret that haunts and isolates her after the deaths of her husband and young son five years ago. When she digs up a bone on her Wyoming property one stormy night, she unearths frightening connections she didn’t know existed.

All Frankie wants is to find her missing father, but a mystery stalker thwarts her every attempt and tries to terrorize her out of her home and away from the evidence. She becomes an unwitting sleuth who uncovers the awful truth about the people closest to her.

And that puts her in the crosshairs of a serial killer. He soon discovers she is no one to be toyed with.


"A great story, well written and with an eerie feel about it."
- The Indie Express

"There is no question Karen Randau knows how to create suspense, even tension in her writing. "
- Our Town Book Reviews

"If you enjoy reading compelling, thrilling books and a story that really makes you guess how it goes next, do yourself a favor and dive into this book."
- Goodreads Reader

Karen Randau authors fast-paced stories with intricate plots, lots of action, and a dash of romance told from the point of view of a female amateur sleuth. Mystery Bones Murders is her sixth book and the first book in a new series of novellas. She lives in the mountains of Arizona with her multi-generational family.

Follow the tour HERE for special content and a giveaway!

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Thieves #Blitz



The Obscurité de Floride Trilogy


Date Published: March 1, 2021

Publisher: Épouvantail Books

From Tropea, Italy to Michigan and Florida, the thieves Molly and April Danser are on the run, trying to escape from an enraged ex-US Marshal. He is hell bent on stopping them once and for all, his twisted black heart fired up for revenge and their total destruction. Will the sisters elude his blood-soaked hunt? They have their smarts and resource but have never faced a pursuit like this.

Can they somehow put an end to his blood lust?

What will they have to do to save themselves from his powerful and deadly claws?

The hunt is on…


Detective Richard ‘Rick’ Ables, Jr. arrived at the Tropea apartment early the next morning, missing the Danser sisters by more than thirty-six hours. Not his fault, the incompetent and greedy airlines had once again dog-fucked his best-laid itinerary. Having flashed his revoked US Marshal badge, he had walked and examined the girls’ rooms with the Mrs. Gior-something trailing and complaining, her Italian sounding like tipsy Mexican. The rooms had been wiped and cleaned for new guests, and as he stood on the front porch looking down at the ancient and sun-stupid town, his lower throat gorged with the bile of frustration.

Descending the stairs to the street, he wiped sweat from his brow with the back of his hand, irritated further by the heat and air that felt mottled with sand and the smell of sea rot. He set the case binder on the roof of his pop can of a budget rental, unlocked the door, and climbed in behind the wheel. Syncing his SAT phone with his laptop, he opened the binder in his lap while a connection was made to his server back in Michigan. The first tab was the detailed chronology of the pursuit, which he updated with his pocket pen, characterizing the Tropea search as an empty gator hole. The laptop pinged, and he pulled it over from the passenger seat.

His slow-witted inside source had let him in on Molly’s strange motorcycle racing life. Details from the search launched before arriving in this ass-up Italian town appeared as red flag icons on a map display. One was in coastal China in a city called Yantai. The second was near the Bristol shores in Britain. Doubting the girls had the juice to get into communist slant land, he did a search on the UK event, skimming the summary deep enough to see that the race was in two weeks.

It smells right.” He allowed his thoughts to rewind to the last time he was in Britain. “This whole nut sack began there.”

About The Author

Greg Jolley earned a Master of Arts in Writing from the University of San Francisco and lives in the very small town of Ormond Beach, Florida. When not writing, he researches historical crime, primarily those of the 1800s. Or goes surfing.

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The Devil Whispered #Blitz




Date Published: 3/1/2021

Retired special-forces commander Jacobi Slate is drawn into a downward-spiraling vortex of fear and doubt while investigating a brutal murder committed by an old friend. As evidence mounts that someone else might be pulling strings from the shadows, Jacobi struggles to understand a developing connection to his own past, which is quickly catching up to him.

Near-future cyberpunk collides with gritty detective noir in this fast-paced thriller that shines a light on both the vast shortcomings and the noble heroism of the human condition. To unravel the mystery, Jacobi will pull on every thread while chasing leads from the squalor of the most dangerous streets to the high-tech towers of the wealthy elite on his quest to understand a truth he might not be ready to face.


My consciousness snapped online with abrupt decisiveness. I had the acute feeling of being alone in a world that was wrongly serene, like the silence of the dead. I’d been dreaming of something horrifying, but the details were dancing just outside the boundary of my ability to recall. The panic I’d woken with was caught in my chest. It held me frozen to the sheets as my mind reconfigured to the safety and familiarity of my apartment. Though the context of the dream was faded and surreal, the fear was vivid and raw. It was a visceral terror, compounded by a deeply rooted aversion to vulnerability.

As I lay there, waiting for the sensation of cold dread to die away, the room was unceremoniously lit up by the glow of the wide monitor that comprised the wall opposite my bed. Shielding my eyes from the sting of the sudden light, I heard Ava, my virtual concierge, ask if I would like to receive a call.

Who’s calling?” I asked with what little energy I’d mustered.

A Pavel Volkov is awaiting your response.” Her voice was always the same, mildly empathetic with a touch of encouragement.

I wrapped the sheet around me and grudgingly pulled myself up to sit on the side of the bed. Looking out from the tall windows that constituted the eastern-facing wall of my bedroom, I saw that it was still deep in the night. The only radiance beyond the panes was generated by the city itself; from the broken lines of luminous code emanating from the trickling streams of traffic far below, and the windows of the high-rises that towered above them - light and dark, the ones and zeroes of a binary skyline.

Yeah, okay.”

Then, Pavel’s finely kempt visage was smiling keenly at me from my wall. He was standing on a rocky beach, and waves were lapping at the shore behind him. He wore a white silk suit and a bemused expression that seemed inappropriately unapologetic.

It’s late, Pavel.”

Good morning, Jacobi. My apologies for contacting you at this hour, but I thought you’d want to know that I’ve located the target.”

Where are you?”

I’ll send coordinates to your CUBE.”

Pavel Volkov was a liar and a thief. He’d conned so many wealthy aristocrats that he’d become one himself, but he stayed in the game for the sake of his own twisted entertainment. He was an artist, who specialized in painting perfect illusions. Deception was his medium, but I’d worked with him for long enough that I trusted him when it came to getting the job done. Traces of malaise from my restless sleep were lingering, so the notion of lucid wakefulness was a welcome one.

I’m on my way,” I said. “End call.”

Pavel’s smirking face faded as the monitor went dark, and I was left with only my thoughts and the reiterating cycles of light from the softly glowing city outside. In the silence, I heard the faint percussion of fiery horse hooves falling away as the nightmare visiting me surrendered the assault and retreated to the depths of wherever dark dreams were designed.

About the Author

Shawn lives in Massachusetts with his wife and the handful of childhood stuffed animals that they’ve been unable to part ways with, even despite the awkward situation it occasionally puts their house guests in. He wields a coveted Associates of Liberal Arts degree from Greenfield Community college in an overly enthusiastic, flailing manner, and puts it to work writing both fantasy and science fiction stories. Using subliminal codes and hidden messaging carefully placed throughout his books, he plans to captivate the minds of his readers and insidiously manipulate them into purchasing subsequent releases.

As a novelist, musician, graphic designer, and a purveyor of fine games, Shawn is often confused about exactly who he is when he wakes up in the morning. It’s been said (by him) that perhaps he embodies all of these things so equally that a singular definition could not comprehensively impart a satisfactory description. With your support, and a sufficient demand for more novels, he secretly hopes that he’ll have no choice but to formally acknowledge the prevailing label of ‘author’ and spend the rest of his days providing a sense of wonder and adventure to everyone who helped him solidify his nebulous identity.

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The Black Candle Killings #Blitz



Conspiracy Series, Book 3

Detective Thriller

Date Published: March 1st 2021

Publisher: Happy London Press

A church going district of North London and a neighbourhood where friendly residents know each other. But when a brutally murdered woman is found next to a burned-out black candle, a strange mark etched deep into her back, the locals became afraid.

Her old boss, a Chief Superintendent in the Met, calls for PI, Tammy Pierre’s assistance. He’s aware of her Caribbean links, and knowledge of Obiah, a voodoo curse found in Trinidad, and used, some claim, to commit bizarre murders. So, is it voodoo? Or just superstition?

A trip to the West Indies reveals some disturbing facts, new evidence of child abuse and murders going undetected for over twenty years.

Returning to London, her situation becomes dangerous – is it all more than Tammy had bargained for?

About The Author

Having never written a dramatic word in my life some thirty years ago, an idea for a short story popped into my head. With the encouragement of my wife and daughter I wrote a tale about a timid and ineffectual man and his pet cat, called Cat and Mouse. Wife and daughter approved so I produced more stories and then joined a writers’ group who also liked what I wrote.

Sir George Everest said, they climbed that mountain, ‘Because it is there.’ The same might be said of writing. Why do we write? because of the idea, the notion, the thought. ‘Because it is there,’ and the irresistible urge to put it down in print.

My inspirations have come from real people, events or situations that have presented themselves. Titles like, I am a Contract Killer, Beads of Blood, Death Zone, License to Kill, are all based on my own lifetime experiences, questions asked, incidents occurring. So far, nobody has been murdered on my watch. But the notion gave rise to the impetus to write my first murder mystery, The Lyme Regis Murders. Could I make the jump after years of writing macabre short stories to a full-length drama? That familiar beating in the gut, said, ‘Yes, try it. Give it a go.’

And so to that cosy coastal town where nothing untoward ever happens. Or perhaps it does. The author seeks to shatter notions, change people’s perceptions, spoil long held views. That was my intention in entering into the world of crime thrillers. I’ve found that ‘nice’ people are not always what they seem. The helpless can be transformed into the most dangerous, the most dangerous become the most harmless. It’s all up to the writer and what they’re hoping to achieve. For me, so far, there have been several children’s books, one collection of short stories, with three more planned and three novels completed, plus a fourth in the mixer.

Whilst a short story might be written with a flurry of adrenalin in the space of a few hours, a book will need more than just a flash of creativity. It will need, perseverance, discipline and dogged determination. But then, isn’t that what is required of every ambition?

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No Birds Sing #Blitz



Literary Fiction

Date Published: March 1, 2021

Publisher: Boutique of Quality Books

In this indelible and deeply moving portrait of our time, two young pseudo-intellectuals, Beckman and Malany, set out on an odyssey to define the artistic life, and in doing so, unleash a barrage of humorous, unintended consequences. NO BIRDS SING HERE is a multi-layered novel about a Post-Modernist America in which characters are struggling to survive in an increasingly chaotic world.


Beckman thought that this would be an excellent metaphor for his first novel, just the thing he had been looking for. Often during that month, the screaming cats got to him. The very first notes would send him raging to the window to fling it open and shout down, “Quiet!” The cats hardly glanced up. It was apparent that they were somewhere outside of his control.

About The Author

A retired Aviation Safety Inspector for the FAA, Daniel V. Meier, Jr. has always had a passion for writing. During his college years, he studied History at the University of North Carolina, Wilmington (UNCW) and American Literature at The University of Maryland Graduate School. In 1980 he published an action/thriller with Leisure Books under the pen name of Vince Daniels.

He also worked for the Washington Business Journal as a journalist and has been a contributing writer/editor for several aviation magazines. In addition to, No Birds Sing Here, he is the author of the award-winning historical novel, The Dung Beetles of Liberia that was released in September 2019 by BQB Publishing.

Dan and his wife live in Owings, Maryland, about twenty miles south of Annapolis and when he's not writing, they spend their summers sailing on the Chesapeake Bay.

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The Bifurcation of Dungsten Crease Reveal


Science Fiction

Date Published: March 15, 2021

Publisher: Del Sol Press.

In the course of a morning, Dungsten Crease resurrects his neighbor’s dog, is arrested by TSA for carrying a weapon which never existed, and drowns a woman at an airline ticket counter—or could he be hallucinating? In his panic he locks himself in the men's room of a coffee shop only to find a strange man in cycling togs sharing the space. The lanky intruder claims to be Dungsten’s neurally implanted concierge unit who has two disturbing messages. Dungsten is a Shaper—an obsolete, genetically programmed tool created by a bankrupt galactic corporation to terraform planetary experiences for vacationing clients; and the woman he inadvertently killed at the airport with his Shaper abilities will be the love of his life. Attracting government agents who want to weaponize him and Galactic Business Council assassins who want to terminate him, fear drives the Shaper within to inadvertently bifurcate, a second Dungsten also now running from his pursuers. But bifurcation comes at a price: loss of appetite, swelling of the hands and feet, an erection lasting longer than four hours, loss of bladder control, rectal bleeding, psychosis, convulsions, and sudden death. To pull himself back together and if he’s lucky, survive, he must master his Shaper abilities before he becomes a victim, or worse, accidentally destroys Earth and everyone he loves along with it.

About The Author

Richard Hacker, lives and writes in Seattle, Washington after living many years in Austin, Texas. In addition to the science fiction/fantasy novels, which include The Alchimeía Series, his crime novels ride the thin line between fact and fiction in Texas. Along the way, his writing has been recognized by the Writer’s League of Texas and the Pacific Northwest Writers Association. As a judge in literary contests shuch as PNWA and ChicLit, and as a freelance development editor, he enjoys the opportunity to work with other writers. In addition, he is the Sci-Fi/Fantasy editor for the Del Sol Review. When not writing he’s singing jazz and creating visual art.

Del Sol Press books by Richard Hacker are available at Amazon

The Alchimeía Series



Other books by Richard Hacker:

Nick Sibelius Crime Series




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Dawn Botstein is doing just fine after her divorce, thank you very much.

She’s got her yarn store to run, her house to herself for the first time in her life, and no use for men anymore. That is until the hottie silver fox who walks into her store turns out to be her old high school crush—the guy who rejected her 30 years ago.

No way is she going to lose her head over him this time, no matter how well he wears that salt-and-pepper lumberjack beard. Okay, so he’s the opposite of her ex in every way, and his attention gives her a thrill she thought she’d never feel again. She’s not risking her heart again.

Mike Pilota is having a mid-life crisis.

Only instead of buying a red sports car he can’t afford and dressing like a 25-year-old who’s time-traveled from the 1990s, he quit his job after his second divorce to move closer to his recently widowed mother.

He didn’t expect to run into Dawn again, but as soon as he lays eyes on her he’s utterly smitten. So he sets out to make up for past mistakes and prove he can be the kind of man she deserves.

But is it too late for second chances? Or will these two lonely hearts find a way back to each other?

'Mad About Ewe' is a full-length contemporary romance and can be read as a standalone. Book #1 in the Common Threads series, Seduction in the City World, Penny Reid Book Universe. 

Pre-order your copy today!
Coming to Kindle Unlimited March 18th!
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‘Mad About Ewe’ will release wide on all retailers excluding Amazon on March 16, 2021. It will be removed from those retailers and be enrolled in Kindle Unlimited on March 18, 2021.

Fused With Him by Kylie Kent blitz


Fused With Him
Kylie Kent
Publication date: February 28th 2021
Genres: Contemporary, New Adult, Romance

I learnt the hard and painful way that men don’t stay, ever. Even the ones you trust the most can be taken away in the blink of an eye. It’s easier to keep them at a distance. I have my fun with men and then part ways.

I’ve spent the last five years of my life avoiding any and all emotional connections with men. I’ve been successful at it too. I’ve built up walls with so much mortar and rendered them around my heart.

That is until Bray freaking Williamson came barging into my life with his perfectly sculpted tattooed body and entrancing green eyes. He was like being tempted by the most delicious chocolate brownie, the perfect mixture of rough on the outside and soft gooey on the inside. He came at me with his damn bulldozer, effectively destroying my carefully constructed walls, brick by brick, leaving a pile of rubble behind

Do I follow what my fragile heart wants and give into temptation? Give him the key to my heart knowing how easily he could crush it? Or should I follow my brain and run far, far away from this god of a man?

I’m a fighter not a lover. I’m ruthless in the cage, an undefeated champion.

I always fight for what I want, and I always win no matter the odds. What I want comes in the form of a beautiful feisty, independent redhead.

She won’t agree to be mine, yet, but I’m happy to agree to disagree with her on that, because she is mine. She wants to run, that’s fine I’ll run faster. She wants to hide, I’ll hunt her and I won’t stop until I find her. Everyone in Sydney is about to learn that the fusion of Bray and Reilly is happening.

Run, hide and deny all you like, I’m a fighter and this is one fight I won’t give up on. Brielly is here to stay.

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“Now, I want it now, Bray.”

“Demanding little thing when you’re horny, aren’t you? You can’t have my cock now. You’re going to come on my hand now, Reilly. Then you will sit through the whole of dinner knowing that by the end of the night, my cock will be buried deep inside your cunt.”

Argh, why can’t I have it now? I need it,” she argues. She’s so close to coming though. I can feel her body quaking, trembling all over, the urgency in her movements increasing.

“Be a good girl, Reilly, and come for me now,” I demand, my voice husky and filled with need. She does not let me down. She comes all over my fingers, her screams of pleasure music to my fucking ears. I ease up my strokes as she comes down from her orgasmic bliss.

Her cheeks are rosy and her face a picture of pure bliss and relaxation. I ease my fingers out of her, putting them straight to my mouth. Now it’s my turn to moan. Her taste is just as fucking sweet and delicious as I remember. I take my time licking all of her juices off my fingers, savouring the taste.

“Thank you,” I say to her as I gently kiss her lips.

“You’re welcome?” she questions.

I can’t help but laugh as I pull the seatbelt over her and buckle her back in. “Let’s hope this dinner goes fast so I can get you home and naked in my bed.”

As I’m buckling my seatbelt, Reilly halts my movement, grabbing my arm. “Wait, don’t you want me to, you know, return the favour?” she asks, waving her hand in the direction of my very obvious cock.

“As much as I would love that, the next time I come is going to be when my cock is buried inside your pussy,” I declare.

Ahh, okay then.” She lets go of my arm and settles into the seat. “You’re really good at that, by the way.”

I laugh, “What kind of boyfriend would I be if I wasn’t? I can’t have my girlfriend left unsatisfied and wanting, now can I? That would not be good for my rep.”

“Don’t you think you’re wearing out that whole boyfriend/ girlfriend title thing already?” She smiles.

“Probably, we should go to Vegas and get married by Elvis, then I can move on to calling you my wife already. Also, I look fucking great in a tux.” My suggestion is not received well.

“Please tell me you are joking and haven’t gone all grade-A crazy on me already. I’m barely accepting that you have the boyfriend label, Bray. There is no way in hell you’re getting promoted to husband label after one day of actual dating. Who does that anyway? That’s crazy. Like straight jacket kind of crazy. Should I call Zac now and tell him he needs to have you scheduled? Are you sick?” She finishes her rambling with the back of her hand against my forehead.

“Not sick, babe. Relax, it was a joke.” I watch as her body begins to relax before I tack on the “mostly” to the end of my sentence. She glares at me. I think I need to remind myself that this one is a flight risk; I need to think before I speak a bit more. It was a joke though; I couldn’t actually fly her to Vegas to marry her tonight. I wouldn’t be able to get a jet booked until at least tomorrow.

Author Bio:

Kylie made the leap from kindergarten teacher to romance author, living out her dream to deliver sexy, always and forever romances. She loves a happily ever after story with tons of built in steam.

She currently resides in Sydney, Australia and when she is not dreaming up the latest romance she can be found spending time with her three children and her husband of twenty years, her very own real life instant-love.

Kylie loves to hear from her readers, you can join her in her readers group at

Keep updated on my upcoming releases and works in progress, sign up to my newsletter

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Sold to a Wolf Pack: A Lunaverse Novel by Mia Meade #Cover Reveal


Sold to a Wolf Pack: A Lunaverse Novel
Mia Meade
(Saffron, #1)
Publication date: September 30th 2021
Genres: Paranormal, Romance, Young Adult

My dad sold me to a pack of werewolves to settle his gambling debt.

Sold to a Wolf Pack is a young adult werewolf romance by Mia Harlan, writing as Mia Meade. It is the first of three books in in Saffron’s Lunaverse series. Blurb coming soon.

* * *

“I’m going to count to three,” he growls. He doesn’t have to say the rest. If I haven’t come to him by then, he’ll come to me… and I’ll regret it.

I know this game, and I know there is only one way it can end: with broken bones. If I don’t come to him, his wolf will take over and he’ll make me pay. If I obey, his wolf will still take over, and I’ll still be the one suffering the consequences.

“One,” Logan snaps.

A tear slowly rolls down my cheek and I dig my nails into my palm until they draw blood. More tears join the first and my lower lip trembles. I want Logan to see how much he’s hurting me.

“Two,” Logan counts, gesturing for me to come to him. I know that he’s filled with anticipation. He’s hoping for ‘three, ’craving it.

* * *

Disclaimer: This is NOT a dark romance. All relationships are consensual.

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Author Bio:

Mia Harlan lives in Canada with her husband (who's definitely Not a Vampire) and their adorably fluffy cat. They recently welcomed a Mini Mortal (a baby girl) into the world and are happy to report she doesn't have fangs. Mia is a librarian by day and an author by night. She's been reading romance since she turned thirteen and published her first one in mid-2019. She writes humorous, quirky (and mostly paranormal) reverse harem romance.

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Saturday, 27 February 2021

Mischief Island Tour and Giveaway!



Mischief Island
by Daneal Brown
Genre: Erotic Romance

Strengthen relationships with Insane O _ _ _ _ _ S”
This ad in the daily newspaper was all it took for two couples to go on a vacation of a lifetime.
Time away from the hustle and bustle of the everyday grind can always bring two hearts back
to one.” - Whit Lafleur

The McDonald’s and The Lafluer’s seem to have it all -- a loving relationship, a wonderful home
and some awesome friends, that is always there for them no matter what.
Lauren, the ambitious beauty, worked hard at her job, always bringing work home, trying to be
recognized as more than just a pretty face. Unknowingly she was neglecting her husband Leroy
in the bedroom and it began pushing him towards a young beauty at his job.
With Whit working more overtime than he’s ever worked in their twenty plus years of marriage
to his loving wife Suzanne the spontaneousness in their sex life was slowly fading away.
With a headline like “Insane O _ _ _ _ _ S,” how could the feisty buxom blonde Suzanne, pass up
this opportunity, no matter how tasteless Lauren thought it was, she had to see what it was all
about. After an intense morning workout and a regular day at the office, Suzanne and Lauren
went to one of their favorite eateries for lunch. Before their food could hit the table Suzanne
had already made the call and gave some mysterious woman all of their business. Now all they
had to do was convince their husbands.
Join Suzanne and her best friend Lauryn as they pull their husbands into a wild adventure on an
island where love reigns supreme, but mischief rules.
The couples let their hair down and find multiple ways to strengthen their relationships with
drinking, dancing, romance and oranges?

From the creative mind of Daneal Brown Mischief Island, will display and test friendship, love,
and marriage in this spicy novel.

Daneal Brown has been creative all of his life, but he didn’t start focusing his creativity on writing until he began attending high school in Atlanta, GA. His writing started out as poetry, which later became raps. Being a huge rap music fan, Daneal tried his hands at many rap styles, but storytelling became his signature style. His love for storytelling intensified in college when he was a student at Grambling State University.
After graduating and entering the real world, Daneal got away from writing his tales, but his writing was revived after seeing a writing challenge on Facebook. He hopes that his writing takes people into a zone where they lose themselves and rekindle lost emotions. When asked about his writing style, he said it’s out the box, spontaneous, entertaining, and he doesn’t plan on sticking to one genre.

Follow the tour HERE for special content and a giveaway!

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Airway Is Life Release #Blitz



Date Published: February 28, 2021

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A national health crisis is stealing your family’s sleep away, one breath at a time. In Airway is Life, Dr. Meghna Dassani, DMD gives you the information you need to spot sleep-disordered breathing and other issues so that you can get the help that you and your family need. Why are all stages of sleep important? What diagnosis might show that sleep is an underlying issue? How can you convince your doctor to prescribe a sleep study? Dr. Dassani’s interesting, accessible work will give you the tools you need to protect your family’s sleep breathing and change their lives.

About The Author

Dr. Meghna Dassani is an internationally educated dentist practicing in Houston, Texas. She received her initial dental training from the University of Mumbai, India where she graduated in 1996 and she operated a successful practice there for 6 years prior to moving to the US. She is a 2005 graduate of the Boston University (BU) Goldman School of Dental Medicine, where she was actively involved in research projects and she enjoyed working in communities surrounding the dental school.

She has been practicing in Houston, Texas for the last 15 years. She has a passion for providing patients with the highest quality of care that will benefit their overall health. Screening and treatment of obstructive sleep apnea in adults and children is an integral part of her practice. Her vision and goal for herself and her team is to help patients with sleep disordered breathing get the treatment they need to live healthier, happier lives.

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