Tuesday, 30 November 2021

Merry Misfits by Cambria Hebert #CoverReveal


Merry Misfits
Cambria Hebert
(House of Misfits, #5)
Publication date: December 10th 2021
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Fairy Tales, Retelling, Romance

Once upon a time…
A lost prince was robbed of the magic of the holiday season.
Ribbons, glitter, tree-trimming, and love all denied for hateful reasons.
What once was lost is now wondrously found.
And, naturally, holiday shenanigans will abound.
New York City is blanketed in pure white snow,
the perfect date night setting to make your heart grow.
Beneath the twinkling lights, the scent of fresh pine mingles,
and the warmth of chocolate-filled mugs chase away any grinchy-grinch tingles.
Zip up your coat and tug on your hat
because spending this holiday season with your favorite misfits is where it’s at.
For even the grumpiest grump of the bunch will have to admit
‘tis the season to be a merry misfit.

Experience the magic of New York City at Christmas with Fletcher and the rest of the misfit family as they create family traditions and memories through special dates and holiday fun.
Be prepared for lots of fluff, laughter, grumbling grumps, swoony romance, and surprises!
Merry Misfits is a special House of Misfits holiday novella featuring the entire misfit family
and is told in alternating POVs from some of your favorites.
Merry Misfits is approximately 48,000 words and is book five in the series.

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Author Bio:

Cambria Hebert is an award winning, bestselling novelist of more than twenty books. She went to college for a bachelor’s degree, couldn’t pick a major, and ended up with a degree in cosmetology. So rest assured her characters will always have good hair.

Besides writing, Cambria loves a caramel latte, staying up late, sleeping in, and watching movies. She considers math human torture and has an irrational fear of chickens (yes, chickens). You can often find her running on the treadmill (she’d rather be eating a donut), painting her toenails (because she bites her fingernails), or walking her chorkie (the real boss of the house).

Cambria has written within the young adult and new adult genres, penning many paranormal and contemporary titles. Her favorite genre to read and write is romantic suspense. A few of her most recognized titles are: The Hashtag Series, Text, Torch, and Tattoo.

Cambria Hebert owns and operates Cambria Hebert Books, LLC.

You can find out more about Cambria and her titles by visiting her website..

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From Small Beginnings #Blitz



Children's book

Date Published: December 1, 2021

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Great things come from small beginnings, and GREAT you are indeed.

About The Author

Stephanie Trachier Laskoskie was born and raised in Texas. She is a proud mother of four, author of the international best seller "My Baby is a Superhero!" and runs a NICU support organization called From Small Beginnings.

In 2016, her life was turned upside down when her twins were born at 23 weeks 2 days gestation. Thanks to the incredible care received, her twins beat all odds and were able to come home together after 151 days in the NICU.

Her parents were both educators and books, specifically children's books, were always a huge part of her life. This experience with her own children fueled her passion to write children's books that were tailored to the NICU experience, not just for the baby but for the siblings and family. Proceeds from her books have been used to create NICU sibling care packages that have supported thousands of NICU families during their most difficult days.

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The Doll Blitz



Sci-fi Urban Fantasy

Date Published: 09-28-2021

The sudden death of Jenna Hess provides an ideal setting for The Dollmaker. Jeremy Dillon is captivated by CR1XY, an elite model that he can't resist. Is her creation exclusive to him, or are we merely learning about an elaborate plot? Nothing is certain in this high stakes game.

About the Author

LAURA DALEO is the author of six books. She is best known for her storytelling of the vampiric persuasion. Her Immortal Kiss series is an interesting twist on the Egyptian pantheon being the original vampires. Her current project, Once We Were Witches, is a modern-day, dark fantasy where witchcraft is forbidden. She lives in sunny San Diego, California, with her four dogs, Stuart, Morgan, Dexter, and Rose.

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Pulse Blitz



Dystopian Sci-Fi Horror

Date Published: 12-01-2021

Pulse is a Dystopian Sci-Fi Horror novel set in 2040 around a creature and a music festival. It will be releasing in 2021. Think Fyre Festival, Black Mirror, and X-Files combined. The book is being praised for its genre-bending style utilizing screenplay-like formatting while bouncing all the plotlines with the pace of a thriller. B.A. Bellec is the award-winning author of Someone's Story. The coming of age story called a masterpiece by multiple reviewers. How do you follow up on a masterpiece? You change genres and reach for the top of the mountain again. Early reviews have already praised Bellec for his fantastic use of horror and incredible world-building.

About the Author

Bryan “B.A.” Bellec’s debut novel, Someone’s Story, won the Reader Views Young Adult Book of the Year as well as various other honors. Someone’s Story is a young adult coming-of-age book and has seen good support over Instagram, YouTube, and Goodreads. One of the aspects that makes Bellec’s projects unique is he includes musicians in his novels and then he actually produces the songs as his book goes through the editing stages.

Bellec was born in Richmond, BC and raised in Langley, BC, before settling in Winnipeg, MB. His first adventure was a career in Finance, where he spent 15 years developing his business skills. His highest achievement was the Certified Payroll Manager designation. He currently still consults with businesses on their systems and processes. Over that period of time, he also attended Lights Film School where he started to nurture his early creative abilities.

A self-starter always interested in research, he taught himself many of the aspects of storytelling through reading books, screenplays, and material online. Whenever he found an inspirational piece of art, he quickly went to the source to find the story behind the artist who created the work. It took many years after attending film school for him to finally combine his creative skills with his life experience and tell these stories he had been holding back. Some of his favorite creative people: Lukas Rossi, Justin Furstenfeld, Peter Jackson, Stephen Chbosky, J.K. Rowling.

During COVID-19, Bellec started a YouTube channel and was awarded a grant from The Canada Council for the Arts. He also pounded away on the keyboard to bring his second novel, Pulse, from his imagination to the page. He can’t wait to release that book along with the new songs that will go with it! If you have any questions reach out to him on social media or email babellec@babellec.com

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52 Weeks of Writing Blitz



Author Journal and Planner, Vol. III

Non-Fiction / Self-Help Creativity

Date Published: 1 December 2021

Publisher: M.S. Wordsmith

A brilliant, supportive, challenging workbook, highly recommend.’ Jamie Sands

You, too, can become the writer you’ve always wanted to be!

The 52 Weeks of Writing Author Journal and Planner:

· makes you plan, track, reflect on, and improve your progress and goals for an entire year long;

· invites you to dig deep through thought-provoking prompts and exercises; and

· helps you unravel the truth about why you aren’t where you want to be.

Two years after publishing the first volume of 52 Weeks of Writing, writing coach and writer Mariëlle S. Smith brings you the updated third volume. Similar in style but reflecting the tweaks made to her coaching practice during the pandemic, 52 Weeks of Writing Vol. III is even better equipped to help you get out of your own way and on to the path towards success.

Ready to start living your writing dream? Order your copy now.

About the Author

Mariëlle S. Smith is a writer, writing coach, and editor. She lives in Cyprus, where she organises private writer's retreats, is inspired 24/7, and feeds more stray cats than she can count.

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0w1:believe Blitz



Book 1 of 3

Dystopian Horror

Date Published: 20th June, 2021

Publisher: Upptäcka Press (Fort Collins, Colorado)

Strix and his friends live in a world where everything is controlled by the State. His job as a librarian was assigned to him due to his 'thought-patterning', recorded during his time at school. But just because you are young doesn't mean that you can't change the world and so they form a dissident group to subvert the status quo.

In an unrelenting story of courage and terror, the group use their gifts as artists and coders to gain insight into the State machine and are shocked to see a different reality open up before them; the 'vision space', where they are confronted by bestial demons at the Gates of Hell and a colony of Vampire Priests who belong to the Cult of the Holy Blood, in Bristol Cathedral.

But while the group are watching the vision space, the State Security Services are watching Strix.

0w1:believe” is the first in a trilogy of stories about their commitment to non-violence and they discover that it’s a very effective means of subverting not only the State, but also the dark spiritual Powers behind it. VISIT OUR WEBSITE so you don’t miss out on anything related to the World of Owl. And get our giveaways too…

Excerpt from the chapter ‘Moonstruck’.

Strix left Calvin to loiter with intent at Moonstruck and wait for Kristina. Maybe the night owl would go back to his apartment, write and catch up on his sleep later. Thank goodness it was Sunday. He got as far as the door and went to pull it open, when it sprang back at him and pushed him over onto his butt.

He hadn’t noticed the girl coming into Moonstruck. As he lay there dazed and confused, Strix felt his sore ass. He winced and opened his eyes to see that face of fearful beauty standing over him.

Oh, shoot! Disculpe! Perdóname, por favor!” Strix scuttled like a spider with four legs across the tiled floor; panicking, gasping as he went. “It’s you!” he pointed. “Last night. It’s you! Shit!”

Disculpe? I am sorry, I did not see you.”

Last night. I saw you! Saw you… in my bedroom!”

I beg your par-don, stupid English boy. I was not in your bedroom… last night… or any other timeses.”

Calvin saw the accident and hurried over to the girl standing over his mate still on the floor. He was worried that he was about to give away their… secrets. Calvin leaned over Strix, gritted his teeth and looked at him and said ‘shut your mouth’.

No, it was her. My bad… dream… last night.” He pointed at her again, still lying on the floor. “You were shouting at me.” “¡Estás loco!” She looked at Strix. Kristina came over to see if she could help.

You… burst out of that man’s side,” he said emphatically. The girl stopped in her tracks and bent over Strix. She tilted her head, looking at him askew, gazing at him with those amazing, dark eyes, piercing his soul. “You… are… the man!” Her realisation was slow.

Calvin looked at Kristina, then at Strix, his face was one big question mark. He whispered: “Your bad dream?”

Can I help you up? You boys are so weak.” Strix sat up and the girl offered her arm to pull him up. “What are you doing here?” she said. “I live here. I’m Strix… by the way.” “I am Falco,” she replied and pulled him up. Calvin butted in: “I’m Calvin. Kristina’s…” he stopped and gestured nonchalantly with the back of his hand, “works here.”

Hi, Falco,” said Kristina. “Just arrived in the city? Need a coffee?” “Oh, I’ve been here for a week or so, just checking the place out. Erm… could I have a Chai, Grande please, milk and sugar?” “Are you working in Bristol? You can’t have come from Spain to soak up the sun!” joked Kristina as she worked on the order.

It beats Birmingham any day,” said Calvin, defending his city for some reason. “No… no Kristina… I didn’t.” She looked at Strix, her eyes wide open. “It is very bad there. Triana, Sevilla, on the Calle Aracena”, she slipped into the conversation. “My mother… there is no work. Some women stay and have to sell themselves to take care of their families, others are leaving home to find work. She sent me here through the Government’s, what we call ‘Plan de fuerza de Trabajo movil’, erm… a Mobile… Workforce Plan. My family was paid a small fee because of it.”

Falco walked over to Kristina and began to explain her journey to her. Strix didn’t follow, still feeling the embarrassment of being floored by a girl.

About the Author

Geoff Hall is drawn to write dystopian stories.

Despite this, his stories are hope-filled. Across his work are common themes, not only of resistance and the ‘quiet’ revolution, but also non-violence and the possibility of change.

Born in the late fifties in the North-East of England, he draws from his traditional working-class background, life experiences and rebellion (both religious and political) to invite the disenchanted, the disenfranchised and the jaded on to a journey of hope with him.

Geoff is also an activist, arts mentor, ex 'sparky' and filmmaker ("My Name is Sorrow" & "Mehr Zavot Skorb"), and also the writer of the book series 'Spiritual Direction in a Postmodern Landscape'.

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Beyond the Cogs: A Steampunk Anthology #Blitz


Beyond the Cogs: A Steampunk Anthology
C. Vonzale Lewis, Elle Beaumont, Nicholas J. Evans
Published by: Midnight Tide Publishing
Publication date: November 17th 2021
Genres: Adult, Steampunk

When a world is reimagined…

This anthology contains three impeccable steampunk stories. Ranging from the gritty tale of battling a creature who steals the souls of others, to dabbling in the taboo art of imbuing a human soul into an automaton, and even a man venturing back home only to discover he’s been demonized.

The Soulless Ones by C. Vonzale Lewis

The Rogue of Vangard by Nicholas J. Evans

Gossamer & Thorns by Elle Beaumont

For those who love adventure in new worlds, gritty stories, and heart-wrenching tales, this collection is sure to resonate with you!

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Monday, 29 November 2021

Christmas in Smithville by Kirsten Fullmer #Blitz


Christmas in Smithville
Kirsten Fullmer
(Hometown, #4)
Publication date: November 30th 2017
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Holiday, Romance

Even though Gloria is determined to change her reputation, most of the women in town still think she’s a tramp. Sure, she may have dressed a little flashy and dated pretty much every single guy in town, but that’s the past. Now that she wants to make a fresh start, will Smithville give her a second chance?

Ned has heard all the gossip, but being the Sheriff’s Deputy, he sees all the kind things Gloria does behind the scenes for the folks of Smithville. It looks like the upcoming Christmas Pageant will offer him the opportunity to spend time with her, but can he overcome a frustrating stutter and talk to her, face to face?

Your favorite characters from the Hometown Series bring craziness, love, and Smithville Christmas style, to a whole new romance about overcoming your past and sharing your deepest secrets. Fall in love and be swept away with the Christmas Eve celebration of your dreams.

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“Then I just had to wr—wrap the baby up and hand her to her mother,” Ned said as he dropped his paint roller in the bucket of hot water.

Gloria stared at him, her eyes wide in fascination. “I can’t believe you delivered a baby by the side of the road. I don’t think I could have—”

“Sure you could,” he said with a shrug. “When the time comes and work needs doing, folks like us st—step up.”

Unsure, she scoffed. “Well, baking a casserole is one thing, but—”

Ned reached out to take her paint roller. “Yeah, okay, the baby was kind of a big deal,” he conceded, “Usually, I just end up learning w—way more about people than I want to know.”

“I understand that.” Gloria nodded. “Given my past, I know—” She stopped, realizing what she was saying. “Of course, I’ve forgotten all about those guys…” She faltered, her words fading away and her cheeks burning red under her freckles.

Ned’s laughter rang out into the workshop. “Oh, I’m sure you don’t know which guys in town burp at the table, who is connected at the hip to their momma, or who snores—” The words chopped off and it was his turn to blush. “I… I d—didn’t mean… I—I w—wasn’t…” His stutter always got much worse when he was upset. Frustrated, he stopped talking and turned back to the water bucket.

“Don’t be embarrassed,” Gloria said, feeling bad for him. “It’s true though, especially with your job. What do you do when you meet someone on the street, and you know intimate details about their personal life?” She waited, but he just pumped the paint rollers up and down in the water, so she tried again. “I’m asking for advice, honest. Do they train you on this stuff at the police academy?”

He shrugged, then straightened and shoved one hand in the front pocket of his jeans. “Well we have to t—take ethics classes, but—” he looked up, making eye contact, “no, they don’t tell you that stuff. You just h—have to act like you weren’t at their house two n—nights ago with the fire chief, helping them get their hand unstuck from the k—kitchen drain they were trying to fix.”

Her eyes widened, and she chuckled in surprise. “Who? No, no don’t tell me.”

He shook his head; his hand raised to stop her. “I wouldn’t,” he said, but his eyes were bright with humor. “It’s a th—thing you have to learn to do I guess. I know you’re g—good at it, I’ve seen you in action.”

She shrugged modestly. “Oh, well, I just try to put myself in their place.”

They were both quiet for a minute, contemplating all the dirt they’d collectively compiled on the people of Smithville.

“Yeah, ” she continued with a sparkle in her eye. “Because if I were a great big guy, I wouldn’t want everyone to know that I scream like a little girl when I see a spider.”

Ned’s eyebrows rose, and a big grin spread across his face. “Now I have to wonder…”

“It will go with me to the grave,” she assured him, looking solemn. But she couldn’t help it and broke into laughter. “Oh my gosh, it was the funniest thing. I thought he was going to run away, but he kept screaming for me to ‘get it’. Of course, I was far too busy laughing and taking video.”

He chuckled, enjoying the way her eyes shone when she was happy. Her laughter was like music, and her cheeks turned rosy with happiness. His own heart swelled, catching him off guard. “You’re a mean one, aren’t you,” he teased.

“Me?” she asked, with her hand on her chest. “No, no, I finally took pity on him and smashed the bug.”

“Well that’s good,” he said, wishing he could make her laugh like that all the time.

“Anyway,” she trailed off, “I better get moving. I have a ton of sewing to do.”

“I wish I could help you with th—that,” he said, collecting the butcher paper he’d spread for them to paint. “But I have no idea how to even thread a needle.”

Her head tilted to one side. “I doubt that.”

“Okay, okay,” he relented, crumpling the paper to stuff it in the trashcan. “I can thread a n—needle, but choir robes and sh—shepherd costumes are way beyond my scope.”

She waved him off. “Oh, these are pretty simple. I figure they’re for one night and no one will really see them up close.”



He waited for her to continue, watching her think, wishing he could hear what was on her mind.

“Well, it’s just,” She chuckled. “Practically every family in town has someone in this thing, so I guess in reality, everyone will see them up close.”

“Right?” he laughed. “I wonder sometimes, who is going to watch the show.”

“Me too!” she agreed. “We may need to set up a bus service to bring folks from Uniontown.”

He rubbed his chin. “Not a bad idea.”

She reveled in the shared moment, then turned away, looking for her purse. “Well, I’d better get going.”

“Thanks for the help,” he said, wishing he knew how to make her stay. “ Do you have to go?”

The question froze Gloria in her tracks. Normally at this point, if a gorgeous man was being funny and sweet and she liked him, she’d stay and talk. And not only that, she amended, she’d sign up for more. But things were different now. She was different. She wasn’t doing any of this to get a man, and, truth be told, she wouldn’t know what to do with one at this point anyway. She wanted to prove to the women in town she didn’t need to flirt, and that she could do a job and do it well, without attracting male attention. She frowned. That wasn’t going so well evidently. Was she attracted to Ned?

Turning back toward the shop, she regarded him carefully. He had a swipe of red paint across one cheek, but that only made him more approachable. The man was a knock out no matter how you looked at him. The paint spear made him cute. Shocked by her appraisal, her eyebrows lifted. When was the last time she’d thought a grown man was cute? Especially one with a physique like the deputy.

He grew uncomfortable under her stare, and she realized she was being rude. “I really do have to go,” her words said, but the rest of her said, “I want to stay.” He was easy to talk to and friendly. He didn’t judge her. He was nice. It came to her then; she had a friend in Ned. They had some things in common, and they could have a laugh together. Given her situation, a friend was something she needed. Gaging her words carefully, she hoped she could make him understand how much she appreciated him. “I really do have to go, but this has been… this has been great.”

He looked so disappointed that she nearly relented, but she knew it was for the best. This pageant was not the time or place to be looking for a new boyfriend. And she was sure she didn’t want to ruin the budding friendship they’d forged. This was new territory, and she had to move carefully and use her head.

“I have to go.” She turned toward the door, then, with her hand on the door handle, she stopped and looked over her shoulder. “But I’ll see you tomorrow night at practice, right?”

For a minute she thought he wasn’t going to respond, but finally he nodded, and an easy grin lit his face. “Sure.”

All she could manage was a quick nod, and then she ducked out the door before she could change her mind.

Author Bio:

Kirsten is a dreamer with an eye for art and design. She worked in the engineering field, taught college, and consulted free lance. Due to health problems, she retired in 2012 to travel with her husband. They live and work full time in a 40' travel trailer with their little dog Bingo. Besides writing romance novels, she enjoys selling art on Etsy and spoiling their three grandchildren.

As a writer, Kirsten's goal is to create strong female characters who face challenging, painful, and sometimes comical situations. She believes that the best way to deal with struggle, is through friendship and women helping women. She knows good stories are based on interesting and relatable characters.

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Double Negative by Susan Marshall #Blitz


Double Negative
Susan Marshall
Published by: Evernight Teen
Publication date: November 12th 2021
Genres: Contemporary, Romance, Young Adult

Injured competitive swimmer Reece never wanted to be Vice Prez of West Hill High. It was her brother Jamie’s idea, just something to do until she could get back into the pool.

She knew that Jamie—who led his campaign with a striptease “election speech”—would be a complete “President Dumbass.” But Reece didn’t foresee that she’d fall hard for Jamie’s Student Council rival, Zain.

Zain is hot and intense, plus an amputee and a basketball star. Between Zain’s disability and Reece’s surgery, they have their challenges, but that deepens their connection—until he drops a bombshell about his accident. Suddenly, everything important to Reece starts to implode.

Struggling with issues of family loyalty, secrets, and scars, Reece must decide if real relationships are worth the heartache.

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The atmosphere in the auditorium was near electric. The students were gobbling up the performance, knowing Jamie’s “speech” could be stopped at any second. As he started to lower his swimsuit, DiFran suddenly—finally—stomped onstage. I momentarily covered my eyes with my good hand, and when I peeked through my fingers, I exhaled in relief. His flesh-colored t-shirt was part of a unitard. No frontal nudity today, folks.

Fists and jaw tightly clenched, DiFran leaned in and whispered insistently into Jamie’s ear. But like a pole dancer resisting the grand finale, Jamie shook him off.

High-bun girl leaned forward as my brother turned ass backward to the audience. Large black letters were written across his butt—Free on the left cheek, Ice Cream on the right. High-bun girl— and pretty much the entire student body—went insane as the dance music morphed into a conga drumbeat.

As Jamie thrust out one butt cheek, everyone yelled, “Free!” He pulsed out the other one to a refrain of, “Ice cream!” Even my gym teacher Ms. Walker started shouting along, while Jamie wiggled one cheek and then the other. “Free ice cream!” I gripped the armrest with my good hand. Very presidential.

Moving to the speed of Jamie’s bum, the chanting accelerated to a fevered pitch. Riding an ice cream vendor bike, Dean blasted through the backstage curtain, skidding to a stop. He opened the cooler, pulled out a few boxes of cones, and lifted them up high like a trophy.

DiFran took center stage, waving his arms furiously, trying but failing to halt the deafening noise.

“Are you quite done?” he huffed into the mic. Jamie, who was suddenly in his trunks and at his side, shook his head. “Wrap this up pronto,” DiFran spat.

Jamie tilted the microphone toward his mouth as the auditorium quieted down. Here comes the big speech. Despite all the shenanigans, or maybe because of them, everyone seemed ready to listen. It was almost a dead silence when Jamie leaned in and spoke his first words, slowly emphasizing each letter.

“For free ice cream, vote Jamie and Dean.” He paused. Everyone sat quietly, waiting for more. But instead, Dean ripped open boxes as Jamie reached over and started firing ice cream cones at the audience. Even though I was way out of range, I ducked. A mad scramble ensued. The bull had been released.

Author Bio:

A lover of libraries, Susan obtained a Masters Degree in Library Science but found that she was too disorganized for that field. Instead, Susan worked at The Globe and Mail newspaper and then Seneca College. Four kids later, she decided to stay-at-home, spending her quiet moments indulging her love of writing.

The old adage is to "write what you know." In Double Negative, Susan channels her experience as a parent of a teen amputee and her misguided belief that she was once an athlete. The inspiration for NemeSIS was the complicated sister dynamic in Susan's estrogen fuelled household in Hamilton, Ontario. An avid reader, she loves e-books and falls asleep nightly to the soft glow, oblivious to what happened on the last page.

Susan lives in Toronto with her husband, three sons, a daughter, rescue dog Bean and Indy the cat.

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Rogue Unbroken by Angie Day #Blitz


Rogue Unbroken
Angie Day
(Legends & Shadows Saga, #3)
Publication date: December 10th 2021
Genres: Urban Fantasy, Young Adult

Kate had survived. She had lived through pain and torment and now she was on the other side, where all the happiness was supposed to be. But with Alec’s vengeful punishment for escaping him, she can’t touch anyone without hurting them.

Alec still wants to create a Level Five and he’s dangerously close. That power under his control would mean unraveling the world as it stands. The world Kate has not yet started to enjoy. She won’t be able to rest until her body, her mind is fixed, and Alec won’t get his beloved power without her help.

The two warring sides of Rogues and Shadows will have to meet. Kate will have to confront Alec and his cruel ambition once again. But every moment with the Shadows is detrimental to those she loves, especially Kylan. So she must find a way to outsmart the person who taught her everything she knows, the most feared Shadow in the world.

Kate is strong. She survived once. But even the strongest people can break with the right pressure, and Alec is ready to tear her life apart.

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Alec lifted a hand to my face but lowered it again. “But then you came back to me. You fell for me again. I saw it. If you say you’re done with me, then why can’t you just do the honorable thing and stop loving me?”

Alec looked down at the floor and he never looked so sheepish and small.

A trick. It had to be a trick.

But he was so small and broken and careening in his own mind. I knew what that felt like, all too well.

“I want to.” I leaned back on the shelves again. “You’re despicable and psychotic. You hurt the people I care about. You tortured me, manipulated me—”
“And yet that’s not good enough for you to kill me. All you can do is leave, and I’m sitting here hoping I can somehow get you back.” Alec raised his arms like he didn’t know where to put them anymore. “Why?”

“I don’t know.”

“That’s not an answer. Why?” Alec moved closer to my face.

“Because you won’t let me.”

“Ha.” Alec grinned before his eyes turned dark again. “I wish I had that much control over your decisions. Try again.”

I shoved him away. “I don’t know, Alec.”

“Yes, you do,” he came right back. “Think, Mara.”

“Because you’re home to me!”

His mouth fell open and the pain created lines around his eyes. I just stared at him for a moment. I saw all the same years of complications that I felt in mine. We weren’t just similar. He and I were mirror images of each other.

“No matter what you do, no matter where I go. When I think back on my life, you are all I can see for centuries,” I said.

“I get it.” Alec backed off. I caught his arm.

“You don’t. You’re a terrible person. You’re the nightmare that just won’t go away.” I looked at the floor. “But you’re also a huge part of my life, whether I hate you or not.”

Author Bio:

Angie Day found her love of writing while in college where she studied psychology and eventually went on to a master’s degree. She noticed the need for romantic and fantastic adult stories that were still wholesome and clean. So, she took matters into her own hands.

The Legends & Shadows Saga is her debut series. When she’s not devouring the next book, she is spending time outdoors with her husband.

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Merry Christmas, Eve! Teaser Tuesday


Children's Picture Book

Date Published: December 4, 2020

Publisher: Krueger Wallace Press & Riven Rock Projects

Christmas is coming and the Christmas spirit is nowhere to be found. There’s only one little elf with the get-up-and-go to find it. Meet Eve . . .

About the Author

New York Times, Amazon and USA Today Bestselling author who loves writing stories that make children laugh and get excited about reading and drawing and writing . I also love taking naps and listening to music. Not at the same time.

I have over 80 books published and out in the world, and love each one as if it were my child ... except if that child is like really naughty and always breaks my favourite things and writes bad words on the walls of our house.

None of my books are like that.

From How to Catch books to How to Draw books. From gross books to action and adventure books. From inspirational to just plain funny, there's something here for kids of all reading abilities, and all ranges of interests.

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