Tuesday, 27 March 2018

At Woods Edge ♥ Blog Tour! Plus Giveaway

At Woods Edge (Of The Trees #2) 


♥ synopsis
It’s only a matter of time before he gets what he’s come for.

Cassie Harris has turned her back on best friend Laney Blake. She had no other choice. Laney is one of them now, a creature of the trees. As Cassie’s senior year wears on, the woods grow quiet, snow blankets the ground, and the murderous beings who once taunted her have drifted away like the brittle leaves of Fall. Though the woods no longer stir with rushed whispers and wind-blown laughter, the fear remains.

No one understands this fear better than Cassie. She wishes she could tell them not to worry. After all, the shape-shifting men of the trees and the women who travel with them, seeking out girls to abduct from carnivals, are gone. And the one that stayed behind? He isn’t interested in anyone but her.

Now, Aidan’s interest in Cassie is a chilling reminder of the what lurks at woods edge. He stalks her home, her school, her bedroom. He won’t stop until he can find a way to lure Cassie into the forest to become one with him forever.

At Woods Edge (Of the Trees #2)
Author:  E.M. Fitch
Release Date: March 27, 2018

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Review: ♥ ♥ 
If you go down into the woods today your in for a big surprise...

Cassie is back but she certainly isn't ready to take a bike ride in the woods.

At woods edge is book 2 and a continuous story from Of the trees. Read book one first to find out how two friends became divided by a mystical woodland.

Cassie is trying to live a normal teenage life. She has a boyfriend, Ryan who she adores, she's Co-Captain of the Varsity Softball team and she has a good set of close friends. Unfortunately, Aidan is taunting her with beautiful gifts. She knows they are from him because of the unique design. She hasn't seen him yet but she knows those intense eyes are close.

Ryan wants Cassie to take a firm grip back on her life. He wants her to get back to what she enjoys but Cassie is struggling to ignore Aidan. The woods have left her scared to enjoy biking. In fact, Cassie is frightened to do a lot of things she loved. She just wants the woodland creatures to leave her alone. If only it was that simple.

The woodlands are quiet and none of the mysterious creatures seem to be around, other than Aidan. She is refusing to acknowledge him but that doesn't mean it isn't getting in the way of her relationship.

This is another spooky novel. More unexplainable events happen around the town. Cassie and Laney are now on opposite sides. The town just wants to be left alone. It will take bravery for Cassie to fight her fears, and stand up for what she wants.

This book did feel more complete in comparison to Of the trees, but a window was left open for more. The book still has a creepy feel. We also get a glimpse into the woodland creatures lives, but still don't fully understand them.

What I like about this book is it feels like the untold story. Most fantasy romance novels are about falling in love with the mystical creatures (Laney's story), but Cassie's not impressed with their way of life. This is not a vampire novel, but that's what I'm going to compare it to as I don't want to give away the secrets of this book. Cassie doesn't overlook the horror of the monster's behaviour. Immortality comes at a price and Cassie isn't impressed. She wants to protect the human race. Creatures that prey on humans are supposed to be scary and I think this is forgotten, but not in this book.

The romance between Cassie and Ryan left me wanting more. I'm hoping if there is a third book their relationship is explored more. What makes them right and wrong for each other.

Jon! I can't stand this character, but I understand why he exists. I guess we all have that one friend that gets under your skin but somehow you keep them around. His character has an inappropriate mouth that needs closing.

I actually like Aidan. Cassie may not be the girl for him, but that doesn't mean the right girl isn't out there. Aidan's gifts may be creepy to Cassie, but they are well thought out, creative and he takes the time to make them. He has a caring side. He's just misunderstood.

Overall good solid 4-star rating. Highly recommended. If you like the synopsis this is going to be a real treat for you.

*I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review as part of the chapter by chapter blog tour. 


♥synopsis Of the Trees
Cassie and Laney fancy themselves amateur ghost hunters. When a carnival comes to town, Cassie embraces the chance to try something new.

Carnival workers watch the girls with a collective gaze that ignites in Laney a dark and dangerous fascination, leaving Cassie unnerved.

It's not just their age or the unsettling way they stare. There is something in the shifting of their skin and the way their features seem to change in the shadows.

Cassie can't shake this sickening feeling that there's more to the carnival than meets the eye.

When townspeople suddenly start dying and bloody warnings appear around town, Cassie is lured into a nightmare where trees whisper and strange, shape-shifting men haunt the backwoods she once hunted for ghosts with her best friend.

Then Laney goes missing, and only Cassie can get her back. But the creatures of the trees aren't simply going to hand Laney over to Cassie without getting something in return.

About the Author

E. M. Fitch is an author who loves scary stories, chocolate, and tall trees. Her latest novel, OF THE TREES, is a Young Adult horror/fantasy inspired by haunted cemeteries and the darker musings of W.B. Yeats. Its sequel, AT WOODS EDGE, will be released in the coming year from Month9Books. She is the author of the Young Adult zombie trilogy: THE BREAK FREE SERIES. Her story, BETWEEN SHADOWS, was recently featured in the Fragments of Darkness anthology; and her new collection of short stories entitled THE VEIL: GHOSTS, GOBLINS, GHOULS is coming soon! She has been published in Pulp Metal Magazine, Under the Bed Magazine, and her short stories RELEASE and THE CREEP were featured respectively in CHBB’s Lurking in the Shadows and Lurking in the Mind anthologies. When not dreaming up new ways to torture characters, she is usually corralling her four children, or thinking of ways to tire them out so she can get an hour of peace at night.

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Giveaway Details:

One (1) winner will receive a $25 Amazon gift card and a digital copy of At Woods Edge by E.M. Fitch

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