Thursday, 8 March 2018

Phoenix Fire #Review Tour ~Plus Giveaway

Phoenix Fire (Phoenix Cycle #1) 


About Phoenix Fire: 

After spending her life in foster care, Ava has finally found home. But all it takes is a chance encounter with hot nerd Wyatt Wilcox for it to unravel.

Now, things are starting to change. First, the flashes of memories slowly creeping in. Memories of other lives, lives that Wyatt is somehow in. Then, the healing. Any cut? Gone.

But when Cade and Nick show up, claiming to be her brothers, things get even weirder. They tell her she’s a Phoenix, sent to protect the world from monsters—monsters she never knew existed. It’s a little hard to accept. Especially when they tell her she has to end the life of a Phoenix turned rogue, or Cade will die.

With Wyatt’s increasingly suspicious behavior, Ava’s determined to figure out what he’s hiding. Unless she can discover Wyatt’s secret in time and complete her Phoenix training, she’ll lose the life, love, and family she never thought she could have.

ebook, 432 pages

Published March 5th 2018 by Entangled: Teen


Excerpt from Phoenix Fire: 

He shrugged. “I should have expected Danny to warn you about me.”
“It’s not like you made a habit out of beating people up, right?” I offered a smile.

The way his gaze locked onto mine, suddenly easier to read though the moonlight was blocked by branches here, made me think he might be staring deep into a memory, too.
He sucked in a breath. “Right. I don’t go around hurting people.”
“No. You let them pick on you.” I released his hands.
His small laugh seemed to drip bitterness. “Well, I can’t exactly fight back—I’d be in so much trouble if I were to have another…incident—and they know it.”

That ignited a fireball in my stomach. That’s why they picked on him? “How can people be so cruel?” I pointed my flashlight on the path ahead. “Can I show you something?”
“Of course.”

Within a few minutes, we’d arrived to my favorite place on the run. I stepped through the thinning dune grass and out onto a sandy cliff of the top of a dune. From here we could see over Lake Michigan. But the sun had already set, leaving nothing but darkness in front of us. Here, at night, the best view was looking up.
I sat down and motioned to the stars. “I looked up Andromeda after you came over.”

“Yeah?” His voice carried the hint of awe and surprise mingled together. 

“But I don’t know which constellation it is.”
He sat beside me and leaned close enough that his shoulder brushed against mine. “There.” His fingers traced an outline of stars. “It’s been said that she’s a beautiful princess.”
“I read that, too.” I chuckled. “But like all princesses, she got into trouble.”

He laughed. “Yes. She got herself captured.”

I made my voice mock-dreamy. “But her handsome prince—what was his name? Perseus!—saved her. I can only imagine they lived happily ever after.”

He didn’t respond, so I tore my eyes away from the night sky and found Wyatt already looking at me.
“Thank you,” he said, turning his attention back to the sky as a breeze off the lake muffled his quiet words. “For not making me feel like a monster for what I did.”
I wanted to touch him again, but I refrained. “You’re hardly a monster, Wyatt.”

Something in his soft smile made my heart beat faster.

My Review:  ♥ ♥

Phoenix Fire is the start of a new series. It's a suspense mystery romance novel. It's gritty, action-packed and unique. This is the first Phoenix novel I've read and the story was very interesting.

The Phoenix is a fascinating Greek mythological creature. The bird is said to live over and over again, hence this series is called Phoenix cycle. As this book unravels we see how finding your path in life can be tricky even with a do-over.

Ava doesn't know her family. She had been in the foster system and has grown a hard outer shell. The field family are in the process of offering Ava a forever home but she finds it difficult to trust. She doesn't want to be let down. She has a foster brother and a best friend, Yuki. She is settled the best she can be but doesn't rely on anyone. She starts to have flashbacks of former life's. How is it possible to know someone before you meet them? Wyatt helps Ava in her time of need but he's worse than a Katie Perry song. He's always flashing hot and cold.

Cade and Nick are on a mission to find their sister. They need her help. Cade is her twin and is also having flashbacks but his memories come with consequences. These two need to gain Ava's trust and help her uncover the truth. They are Phoenix's and fight monsters. The ultimate monster is on its way and they need to be prepared.

This book is written from multiple points of views. The story slowly unravels and is full of mystery. Some of the memories are a little gruesome and Wyatt is mysterious, I couldn't work him out.
This is a romance novel, however, it's more about family and monsters.

Wyatt's character becomes clear, and his reason for being strange, but I found his cold spells a bit of a turn-off. By the end of the book, he was one of my least favourite characters. Ava has a lot going for her. She's a brave heroine and ready for action. She has some tough decisions.

This book was a good start to a series and hopefully, the writer can make up for Wyatt's lack of spirit in the next book. The story was engaging and there are lots of interesting personalities. 4 stars out of 5.

*I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

About S.D. Grimm: 

S. D. Grimm’s first love in writing is young adult fantasy and science fiction, which is to be expected from someone who looks up to heroes like Captain America and Wonder Woman, has been sorted into Gryffindor, and identifies as rebel scum. Her patronus is a red Voltron lion, her spirit animal is Toothless, and her favorite meal is second breakfast. Her office is anywhere she can curl up with her laptop and at least one large-sized dog.You can learn more about her upcoming novels at

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