Girl Vs
by X. Culletto
Before the Vela invasion, Rhyan's biggest
concern was getting through a day of school. But when she is thrust into the
madness of a kill-or-be-killed world, her true strength emerges and a deadly
warrior is unleashed. Stumbling through the new morals of a post-apocalyptic
world, she learns to depend only on herself. As she gets closer to discovering
what the aliens actually want, her lethality becomes unmatched, and she soon
learns the extent she'll go to in order to survive.
Girl Vs (Sinister Skies#1) by X.
Publication Date: November 4, 2017
204 pages
Link to
Kindle Edition: 99p
Review: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Vs was one crazy rollercoaster ride. It's darker than my usual choice
of dystopian world stories. The book is fast paced and Rhyan's life is
always changing. Only the strongest survive or maybe it's just being in
the right place at the right time.
Rhyan only nipped out when the initial invasion took place. Her family were not as fortunate. When she arrived home her life had changed forever. Her family had been killed and she needed to find a new way to survive. Being smart, learning to use a weapon and finding food became key to her life. She meets some friends on the way and is always on the lookout for a safe place.
An alien invasion has changed the world forever. The way of life has changed forever.
Girl Vs is about survival. What do the aliens want? Are there many people left? Rhyan gains friends and enemies along the way but essentially she is just trying to get by. This book is closer to the horror section than other post-apocalyptic books I've read. Everyone other than the main character is fair game and making good friends is hard when everyone around you dies or disappears. I enjoyed this book and the sequel is due out next year which will hopefully clear up more of the mystery. I would say this book is more action/adventure than trying to find a new life. Its very fast paced and I did feel that some parts could have used a little more. The other characters died a lot making it hard to connect with them. I would read the next one so overall I enjoyed this story. I just hope the main character finds a true friend.
4 Stars out of 5. *I received an ARC as part of the Chapter by Chapter blog tour. My review is fair and honest.
Rhyan only nipped out when the initial invasion took place. Her family were not as fortunate. When she arrived home her life had changed forever. Her family had been killed and she needed to find a new way to survive. Being smart, learning to use a weapon and finding food became key to her life. She meets some friends on the way and is always on the lookout for a safe place.
An alien invasion has changed the world forever. The way of life has changed forever.
Girl Vs is about survival. What do the aliens want? Are there many people left? Rhyan gains friends and enemies along the way but essentially she is just trying to get by. This book is closer to the horror section than other post-apocalyptic books I've read. Everyone other than the main character is fair game and making good friends is hard when everyone around you dies or disappears. I enjoyed this book and the sequel is due out next year which will hopefully clear up more of the mystery. I would say this book is more action/adventure than trying to find a new life. Its very fast paced and I did feel that some parts could have used a little more. The other characters died a lot making it hard to connect with them. I would read the next one so overall I enjoyed this story. I just hope the main character finds a true friend.
4 Stars out of 5. *I received an ARC as part of the Chapter by Chapter blog tour. My review is fair and honest.

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