Non-fiction. Weight loss and health
Date Published: 8 December 2017
Looking to lose weight but everything has failed? Discover the physical and mental aspects of becoming a much healthier you, written by someone that dropped 80kg!
Get the weight loss system written by someone that went from zero exercise and over 175kg, to a multiple time Australian and Pan Pacific martial arts Champion.
AJ Watson has shed 80kg in his journey and for the first time shares how he did it, and what needed to change mentally and physically to achieve his goals.
This book will teach you how to:
• understand weight loss issues
• figure out nutrition labels
• learn how to set goals
• improve your motivation
• boost your willpower
• structure your exercise
• become a better version of you.
AJ Watson’s approach tackles the issues from multiple angles giving a much greater level of success than diet alone. Treat yourself to a wealth of knowledge and kick those extra kilos goodbye.
AJ discusses his physical and mental states throughout his journey, and how he combated multiple challenges to attain results. Because he has been there, AJ understands the thought process of overeating, obesity, a sedentary lifestyle and low self-esteem. His successes as a martial artist, coach and author are traced back to the struggle out of his lowest point.
Now you can benefit from that struggle as well.
Grab your copy today.
name is Tony and I started this journey at 175kgs.
I am 95kgs and hold multiple titles in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.
book details how I accomplished that, my mental outlook and changes, my
failures and successes. It will show you a way to duplicate this yourself,
breaking it into multiple small actions. Depending on where you are on your
trek, you may have already accomplished some of the early steps; if so,
fantastic. Congratulations on getting that far. This book will help you
understand what you have already achieved, and show you how to take it further.
are if you are reading this book then you have struggled with losing weight, or
want to see a boost to your motivation in other areas of your life. As someone
that has been where you are, and cut a path through the tangled mess that is
the weight loss industry, I understand you. This is where my book is different
than a lot of others out there. Many programs are great at using weight loss
science, but are usually written by people already fit and healthy that have
never been more than a few kilos overweight.
don’t understand the mental state many people start with, especially when
severely overweight as I was. They have never been fat, never been ridiculed for
their obesity. Never avoided pools or the beach because they’d have to take off
t-shirts and reveal the true extent of their girth. I am thankful that these
health professionals spent time with their research so I could learn. But how
could they help address my mental and social issues that contributed to my
weight gain, when they couldn’t understand them?
psychologist is needed in many cases. I don’t pretend to be one and I’ve never
felt the need to utilise their services. I have known many people that have,
and can see the positive impact it made on their lives. I have however
researched psychology and as I’ve lived through it I know a lot about the
thought process that goes with obesity. That insight drives many parts of this
am also a certified life coach, a field of study that assists people moving
their lives from point A to point B. Even if they are unaware of how to do so,
or that point B is even within their reach. Many steps in this book work in
unison with the tools and techniques utilised in coaching. They will work
without it, though will be greatly enhanced with a life coach by your side.
I aim to do here is not only show you my meal changes and exercise regime, but
also show how my mental state altered. I'll share how I overcame my negative
thoughts and barrelled through plateaus.
gained all of this knowledge through a thirst for understanding. As my wife
will attest, I absolutely must know everything even if it doesn't concern me.
It's my nature. I can blame and thank my parents for this. As a child I
hungered for understanding and often asked questions of how and why. Before
long I was asking things they didn't know the answer to. Instead of dismissing
it or making something up, my parents instilled in me a simple mantra: look it
was long before the Internet became popular and ubiquitous so all I had was a
dictionary, an odd assortment of encyclopaedias and the school library. The
skills and knowledge gained were invaluable and formed my love of words and
Internet exploded my world and now the guys I train with often refer to me as
Google, as I generally have the answer or insight required for the topic at
when I turned this skill to weight loss my bull-crap detector worked overtime.
I tried several diets that I fully understood the science of, but ultimately
they failed because they didn't take into account the psychological impact.
They also failed to understand the starting point that a lot of overweight
people find themselves in.
meals consisted of mostly eating take-out, snacking on chocolate and washing it
down with litres of soft drinks and tubs of ice-cream. You can't instantly go
from that to fresh fruit and veggies, healthy snacks and controlled portions.
That is why the majority of diets fail and are a waste of your time.
want to mention right off the bat that this is not a diet book. To me, a diet
is a short-term change to reach a desired goal in less than two months. This
journey took me nearly a decade and I am still changing things to get better
results. It took that long because of all the trial and error, the research
required and figuring how to alter the mental conditioning I'd spent nearly
three decades building.
can guide you into doing this far quicker, though I expect it to take years,
not months. Lasting change takes time but if you follow the ideas and plans in
this book, then you will see some quick results.
am not a medical professional so I implore you, if you have any conditions or
food intolerances then seek their expert advice first. Everything in here works
for me, but my body is not the same as yours. I am living proof that the
process works, and should work for the majority, however your life is unique
and nothing can take everything into account. Even so, everyone can gain some
benefit from a lot of these pages.
looking forward to helping you achieve your goals.
About the Author

AJ Watson (Tony to his friends) lives with his wife Barbara in the great state of Victoria, Australia.
AJ is a certified Life Coach and continues to expand his skills to assist others not only duplicate his successes but to clear any mental barriers people place upon themselves.
Tony has obtained a Bachelor of Computing and although he has a love of technology, he can’t help dreaming of worlds with vicious creatures and powerful metaphysics. He uses this imagination to write sci fi/fantasy novels.
Tony is an experienced martial artist competitor and instructor, having won multiple national gold medals and assisting others to do the same.
In his spare time, among other things, Tony dabbles in computer graphics and GMs many role play games with his family and friends.
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